A Tribute to Tribiani and Crew

Event Date

Nov 29, 2017

With The Notorious Master Q Dewey feeling a little under the late fall weather; a scrub, a scab, a subtitute Q was summonded from so deep in the bowels of Race City, that he had to climb ten stories JUST to get the bottom of the subsewers removing the bilge from the pristine and manicured McMansions of the Brawley Elite.  This was, indeed, a humbling day for the long line of illustrious Q's here in Race City.  Here is how the fumbling, bumbling, pinch hitting Allentonian muffed his way through the Program to offer the PAX a post that would most assuredly disappoint their pre-pubescent kid nephews seeking something greater than the pedestrian post this pathetic Q could put forth.

Warm Up: COP (IC)- SSH 20, IST's 15, CP'S 10, MC's 10,  Mericans 5, MC's 10, Mericans 5, WM's 10, SDS 15.  Mozy acrost the street to the lovely 258 Raceway, Home of Champions.  

The Thang:  On account of YHC spewing a bloated and burley Joey Tribiani meme (or gif, or vid clip) on The Twitter, it was decided that SIX (6) stations of exercises shall be administered to the ready, willing, and able PAX, in honor of the six cast members of Friends.  Mr. Lear was the Selectman (meaning he 'chose' each exercise from a pre-prepared list).  IN ORDER, the stations consisted of 10 Burpees (-2 each round), 10 Jump Squat Clocks-4 1/4 turn jump squats=1 'clock' (-2 each round), 25 Mericans (-5 each round), 25 CDD's (-5 each round), 50 LBC's (-10 each round), 10 Turkish Get-ups (-2 each round).  After the 'first round' was done in unison, the subsequent rounds were attacked, less the pre-stated amount, until all five rounds were complete.  Now, the LAST ROUND was also done in unison ('cause "the PAX that sweats together, STAYS together"), and even 'some' of the stations were done in cadence, as is our custom, and because well…….some of those reps just seemed a little bit diminutive for the stalwert PAX present today.

Mary (IC): Mason Twist 15, Box cutters 15, Cutter Boxes 10.  Recover, recover.


-This 'stationed' Q was shown to YHC by Chief, peppered by Moses, and completed by Crack…..all borrowed, but placed in a slurry and seemingly 'fresh' to those from the outside.  Thanks to the inspirators (is that a word?). 

-The 'Turkish Get-up' received undeserved and overwhelmingly dubious criticism from the PAX, being the good and wholesome excercise that Moses showed YHC years ago.  All we are saying…..is GIVE the Turkish Get-up a chance!!

-This PAX was cohesive, quite.  Planks were practiced prior to each 'round', to coalesce the group, and allow appropriate amounts of mumblechatter to take place.  This is encouraged in all F3 activities and is approved by Corporate:-)(as unapproved mumblechatter is dealt with in usual sadistic manner)

-Many prayers were offered for Deep End's father, Usain's mother-in-law, and London's coworker's son.  

-The Coffeeteria was an astounding one.  It was collectively agreed that Dr. Patel is a great opthamologist.  Collectivism is not so great.  WE, as parents, need to work HARD NOT to raise snowflakes, and we ALL owe Lear a debt of GRATITUDE for his service to our coutry.  

-Thanks, Dewey, for the keys to The Brickyard!!!