A Vern-less FKT

Event Date

Jan 10, 2023


Another great day to be great at FKT. This was the second week of January, second weeks are Vern weeks. I forgot this and wanted to do something tougher, so that’s what we did.

The day started at 5 AM. Cherry bomb and yours truly performed an appropriate standard. An appropriate standard includes a 2 mile jaunt followed by an Olivia amato peloton core class. Three others, including Enron SlingShot and Frodo did a lesser yet effective standard at 5:10.

The rest of the crew arrived, except for always late a.m. p.m., who showed up down the road. 14 deep got after it by performing the following.

Run 1 mile to arnies. Once there , do half of the Murph exercises 10/20/30×5 once done run another mile away from the AO and perform another 10/20/30×5 of Burpee’s, Carolina drydocks, Freddie Mercury’s. Once done run 2 miles back to the AO.

A few great things today. The first is on our 2 mile run back. We had a proximately 16 minutes to go 2 miles. Everyone in the crew easily got back in time That is smokin after all those other miles and exercises.

Kosar had yet to finish his last few rounds of exercises at the distant site. instead of just running back without completing them, he said screw that I’m going to finish you guys go ahead. He finished and made the long trek back. I love that.

I know Don Ho was a little off put by no Vern this a.m. he made that abundantly clear by the verbal jabs. I love the banter. I love how he pushes me to work harder. I hope this work out with some thing good enough to fill the Vern-less void.

Thank you, Frodo for your MQ leader ship today. I still think you would love a 5 AM standard with course standard to follow. You should try it sometime.

Auto, I miss your squishmello heart!  So glad I got to work out with such a sexy man this AM.  Hope you can come do hard things with me more often. Also thanks for telling me you guys prayed for my baby bicep at a COT a week ago!

Stray asserted his athletic prowess. He said he would up the athleticism at FKT.  I say he upped the sexiness too.

Swampfox has been MiA recently.  I can’t blame him.  All these skinny running workouts recently.  Don’t worry big boy we are going to bring back so muscle girth to F3, 2023 will not be the year of the skinny runner.

Cobra is getting pretty dern fast these days. Always choosing the tough workouts, keep crushing.  Come to Dragonslayer on Thursday, imma see if I can bring some fatigue your way.

Popcorn how do your hands not get cold? There was literally Elsa ice crystals on the pull-up bars this am!  I’d quit and go home after like 4 min without gloves.

Ampm, I hear slingshot crossed you up in a game of one-on-one…is that true?  Is that why you were wearing the ankle brace?

I feel like Enron/the great muffin top needs his own podcast. All of his opinions excite me and makes me want to hear more. Have you ever looked into this?

Could ducky be the fastest guy out here? Many would say yes.

Hard work pays off gentleman. Consistency is key. I look forward to seeing you gentlemen in the gloom more often as you push me to work harder. See you at Dragonslayer on Thursday!