A Very Creative Workout at Titan

Event Date

Feb 26, 2018


No just kidding, not really creative.  And not The Murph either.  Today at Titan we basically kicked off BRR training with some Mortimer Hill repeats.  We've done this a few times over the past 2 years, notably:




Today we did attempt to add some creativity though!  A points system as follows:

  • Each Merican is worth 2 points
  • Each Burpee is worth 4 points
  • Each trip up, then down, Mortimer Hill is worth 100 points

Everyone had to accumulate at least 400 points, and it was recommended that at least 2 trips up and down the hill were made.

Yes, sure, the scoring system was biased for scrawny guys.  But we had fun.  The 2nd F was good. 

Tantrum departed us a bit before 0600.  The Force and I did have some time for Mary as follows once we got back to the AO:


  • Elbow Plank x 1 minute
  • LBCs x 25 IC
  • Low Flutters x 10 IC (these are no bueno with a bad back)
  • Elbow Plank x 30 seconds

Recover, recover.  We covered anywhere from 3.2 to 4.2 miles according to Strava, with PAX choice of Mericans / Burpees thown in.


  1. Tantrum ran a solo Standard as well and totaled 5.3 miles.  Well done!  Thanks for the opportunity to Q.  Please don't hate me and think I mailed this one in…it just feels like we need to do this hill work a couple of times per year.
  2. After giving the instructions on the obviously lop-sided scoring system, YHC was expecting everyone to run up the hill immediately.  But what's this…The Force and Tantrum started with some Mericans.  Really?  Well played.
  3. Great 2nd F with The Force.  Will be exciting to hear where your 2.0 decides to attend College.  Any of the schools you discussed would be lucky to have him.
  4. We missed most of the Latta locals; Jaws, Jingle Bells, and Dirt.  Either they were up late watching the Philadelphia Eagles game…er wait…season is over.  Um, they must have been Murph-ing somewhere…er…where were you guys?  Sound off below please, we're concerned about your fitness and just want to know where you posted today.  🙂
  5. Announcements:  Myrtle Beach Marathon this Saturday.  Wishing our brothers good luck especially any first time Marathon runners.  Q School at Excelsior / The Estate:  March 17th.  F3 Dads Workout at The Estate:  April 7th.  Quarter Ruck VI and Christina Latini Memorial 8k:  April 20th and April 21st.  Yes, there is a sweet sweet patch for those brave enough to tackle both!  For all other announcements please see the "Preblasts" page on this website.

Enjoyed it gents, Turnpike.