A Weird VQ

Event Date

Feb 19, 2020

7 on deck for Pit Stop’s VQ. Nothing was done in order & we listened to a LOT of Weird Al.



Listen to Weird Al’s “Eat It” holding a high plank. Merkin on “Eat It” (3 minute plank & x25 merkins)


Work out:

Mosey to the basement for blocks – backwards Zamporini up to the 4th floor

10x slow lower pull ups


Backwards zamp down 1 floor

15x block swings

15x monkey humpers

4 full circle pass Squat Potato


Backwards zamp down 1 floor

15x v up

15x LBC

15x WW2

20x Suzanne Somers


Backwards zamp down 1 floor

15x Curls

15x Shoulder Press

15x Skull Crushers

15x DryDocks


 Backwards zamp down 1 floor

Return blocks

(PitStop forgot what we did here)


Mosey to top of parking deck

Additional Workouts (PitStop forgot this too)


Mosey back to parking lot for “warm ups”:

15x Toy Soldier

15x Cranberry Puller

15x Windmill

25x SSH

Crocs closed us out with some stretches


Overall a fun first Q, needed a fair bit of help when YHC’s intended 40 minute workout only lasted 25 minutes. Props to the Pax for helping me get through it.

Something, Crocs, YHC ran the standard leaving no time to set up the Bluetooth speaker – millennial fail. Crocs’ was the DJ and filled the air with Weird Al and Pit-bull (next super bowl halftime show?)

Big props to Burning Bush and Freedom for throwing a few extra workouts in to fill time.

Confirmed Camelback can count better than Pit Stop.

Fiddler seemed unphased by most of the antics and crushed the workout

Nitestick met us for HDHH – he’s VERY excited for his next Q.

