A well executed plan at Gaga

Event Date

May 30, 2017


Gaga doubled from 4 PAX in its first week back, last week, to 8 today.  Please keep spreading the word!  At this rate it may become problematic very soon.

8 strong runners came out despite the threat of rain.  Here is roughly what went down.

0500:  Run Standard with DonHo, Major Tom, YHC, and joined 1 minute later by Honey Bee.  Glad you found us.

Not saying we got lost…but we had to haul ass and somehow covered 3.9 miles and made it back by…

…0532:  Waiting, patiently, were Eeyore, Dingo, Jenny, and 8-track.  We immediately set off with no time to chat.

This route was…well…you may not know this but on the other side of Catawba there is a Lake! 

Not saying we got lost…again…but the distance covered was exactly 3.9 miles.  BOOM!  A well executed plan.  That was totally on purpose bros….

…but, in possibly related news, going forward Don Ho would like all future Gaga Qs to map out a route in advance.

At the end we played some Gaga and did some Mary.


  1.  I like seeing Eeyore get fast.  Can say the same about dozens of others in Lake Norman.  This BRR season is going to be AWESOME.
  2. Jenny and YHC wondered where Calypso was.  Has a bum knee.  Heal up buddy!
  3. For the second straight day, worked out with Honey Bee and 8-track.  And for the second straight day, they dusted YHC.  See you guys tomorrow at HalfLife perhaps?
  4. Major Tom found a shortcut back to the AO.  Impressive.  Teach me…how to get places bro?
  5. Dingo and DH showing off impressive wheels as well.  Thanks DH for the opportunity to lead.  Sorry I botched it but that is the fun, yes?