A Well Planned Fallout

Event Date

Oct 25, 2022


7 men joined me this morning for what was definitely a well planned, thoroughly thought out Q. I brought dumbbells so that shows there had to be some planning, right? If you're still hesitant about Q'ing, don't be, if I can do it anyone can do it. So many great options for Isotope on Tuesdays between Fallout and Viking and Gladiator and FKT and Fartlek – 73 Pax in total showed at the Tuesday AO's today by my count, 73! Impressive numbers.

Quick warmup 800 around the track and then mosey back to the parking lot for Warmorama. The most truest and most bestest disclaimer was given – exercise at your own risk and modify as needed, if you sue anyone for getting injured you will be banned from F3 for life for being a dick. (Note: YHC does not have any official authority to actually ban anyone from anything.)

– Warmorama

  • SSH x33 IC
  • IST x12 IC
  • Toy Soldiers x10 IC
  • Long Snapper x10 IC
  • 10 merkins OYO

– Thang

Mosey up to the bus lot for:

  • 1st round of Lazy Dock Worker (static hold off the edge of the loading dock) for 1 minute
  • Mini-suicide round of 10 merkins at each basketball goal
  • 2nd round of Lazy Dock Worker for 1 minute
  • Mini-suicide round of 15 Carolina Drydocks at each basketball goal
  • 3rd round of Lazy Dock Worker for 30 seconds

Mosey back down to the shelter for:

  • Partner farmer carries (inspired by Landshark's Q last week – we all need more farmer carries in our lives), 1 partner grabs the 50lb dumbbells the other grabs 2 blocks and carry around the circle, alternating with the 50lbs as needed
  • Remaining Pax engage in various static holds whilst the farmer carries are being carried, inlcuding low plank, wall-sit, and slow calf raises (new name suggestions anyone now that Christian McCalf-raises are out?).

– Mary

  • Throw in some Pidgeon since I need some stretching for Tuna this weekend – used the opportunity to remind everyone about early voting going on and what offices were up for election this year (shameless plug to join @HuntersvillePolitics on fb to become an informed local voter!)
  • LBC's x30 IC
  • Drebin called Supermans x10 – Mona attempted to sing the Superman song alone, but didn't get far without The Force there to back him up
  • Fudd called WWII's
  • Baller called Mountain Climbers
  • And Peart Plus finished up with some Freddie Mercury's

– Moleskine

  • Appreciate everyone showing up today despite the other great Tuesday AO options – Fallout was the place to be if you wanted to get in some Lazy Dock Workers!
  • Noticeable lack of mumblechatter this morning – I take that as positive affirmation of YHC's well planned workout and not a sign of fatigue and/or boredom from the Pax.
  • Baller seemed disappointed there were no burpees, noted! More burpees the next time I Q at Fallout!
  • Great effort from everyone involved today – didn't see anyone not pushing it on this cold morning.
  • Thanks to Peart for taking us out in prayer – continuing to pray for The Force and his mom during this tough time.
  • Until next time…
