Ab Day

Event Date

Jul 05, 2018






Indian Run with 35# KB

Pain station #1 – 2 Ab Exercises

Continue Indian Run with 35# KB

Pain station #2 – 2 Ab Exercises

Continue Indian Run with 35# KB

Pain station #3 – 2 Ab Exercises

Continue Indian Run with 35# KB

Pain station #1 – 1 Ab Exercise and a sprint

Continue Indian Run with 35# KB

Mosey to the playground

Alternating Hanging Knee Ups and Ab Exercises




-After a quick warm up we leave the AO for the Indian run with 4 PAX. At the top of the big hill we see a late arrival and have to circle back to the AO to get them. #Typical

-Upon seeing the Kettle Bell Metrodog asked "What is that?" "Why is it here?" 

-Skipper was not a fan of the 35# bell. Required two hands for him to lift it. 

-5 pax was a weak number. Guess everyone was recovering from the holiday festivities. 

-Abrams run faster with a 35# bell than I do without one and had to be reprimanded to slow down. #Beastmode

-Theuss's streak continues.