Ab Day!

Event Date

Dec 27, 2021

FNGs are Amen's 2.0s – Kong and Change

11 of the finest pax in F3LKN gathered to see how bad they had eaten over the holidays. Mosey to top of parking lot for standard warmarama and then we were off.

5 pull ups

Grab a block:
20 OH press IC
20 block squats IC
20 Bros IC

Run to other side of parking lot
25 WW2
25 Low flutter IC

Run to other side of parking lot
1 min Plank

Run to other side of parking lot
20 Freddy mercury IC
20 Box cutters IC

Run to other side of parking lot
Wall sits

Grab a rock
Russian twists
Dot the I

Then we did another lap but cut out a few exercises in the interest of time.

5 minute mobility moment lead by Ultraman

Popcorn then surveyed the group on blue and green and purple pills and then made us do burpess.

Recover Recover


Big thanks to Amen’s 2.0s (Kong & Change) for waking up early and getting out in the gloom! Love to see the young guys out doing work! Also, we all noticed that Amen didn’t let one rip the entire workout. Can he control the flatulence???

Great to see Mr Holland back after a short break! Also, glad to see he is now eligible for the NBA draft 🙂

Shout out to Toby for bringing out the Ferrero! Always a pax pleaser!

Great to see all you guys this morning! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and best of luck in the new year!!!

