A delayed backblast
Warmorama – SHH, stretches and Merkans
- basketball drill, (jump squat alternating hands touching ground)
- walk hands out to plank, bring knee to elbow, walk hands back to feet
- swiss alps- plank, jump right knee to right elbow, back, jump left knee to left elbow
- alternating lunge jumps
- squatted lateral jumps, wide stance to narrow stance
- Pop ups: burpee like extension, except no push up, and end in squat position
30 seconds continuous
Knee touch crunches
Heel touches
Freddie Mercury k
Dolphins (crunches through the legs)
Legs up crunches
Side plank left
Side plank right
Leg raises. Heel tap leg lifts
Flutter kick
Scissor kicks
Leg lifts
Rosalita : alternating touch
Crunchy frogs
Mountain climbers
Peter Parker