Abbreviated Tour

Event Date

Sep 16, 2019


4:45, we saw headlights so happily waited as it turned out those lights belonged to Heisman and it even turns out he got the red shirt memo.  4:46 mosey to parking lot for warm up.  Warm up-side straddle 20, windmill 10, IST 10, calf stretch and moutnain climbers 10

The Thang:
3 parking lot islands, at farthest 30 reps, return to start, thent o second island 20 reps, return to start, head to first island, 10 reps.  Repeat for these 4 excercies: merkins, squats, Carolina dd, sit-ups
Mosey to greenway hill for Dirty dozen, run to bottom 10 burpies, run to top 2 mason twists, repeat dropping two burpees each time and adding two twists until 2 and 10
mosey to Fountain, 10 in cadence of each: declines, dips, squats, inclines,
mosey to Benches, 10 in cadence of each: decline, dips, squats, inclines
Lunge walk half way around the oval, cross to our cars and start Bat Wings but run out of time after 80 arm circles, to be continued. 

Discussion today was from Philippians.  We read a fair amount of 1 and 2.  Amazing Paul seeing the purpose in his suffering.  His advice is for them to be dedicated and humble as Christ humbled himself to the point of death on a cross for us.  We had a great discussion on the relationship between being humble and it leading to happiness, about reflecting on and challenging what 'the world' tells us is important or what success looks like and to truly take time to get into the word, and to reflect and pray.  Paul sets a high bar and an amazing example but it is one we can all learn from and his advice to the Philippians resinates today.  We discussed how often our greatest joy is when we give or when we serve and looking for ways to increase that in our lives and in our thinking.  Great discussion today and I hope the beatdown was just as fulfilling for those that joined me so dang early in the am.