2 men met with threatening clouds on the horizon
Warmorama by Grip – SSH, TS, windmill, cherry pickers and Merkins
The Thang:
- Mosey down hill to Arizona's section of the neighborhood. Pickup noted to be in driveway
- 1st set Maggie and Monroe
- LBCs
Knee touch crunches
Heel touches
Freddie Mercury
Dolphins (crunches through the legs)
Side plank left
Side plank right
Leg raises
Gas pump
Low flutter
Scissor kicks
Box cutter
High flutter
Crunchy frogs
Mountain climbers
Peter Parker
- basketball drill
- walk out push ups
- swiss alps
- alternating lunge jumps
- burpees
Mosey up hill and around to connector street
- 2nd set maggie and Monroe
- mosey to base
- family chatter, high school friends, summer jobs, trip to Auburn and Chattanooga for Grip and fam, college graduation, happy 18th to Katie
- prayers for the elderly in nursing homes esp Grip's FIL and for Q's MIL as surgery set for May 23
- Happy Easter