Abort The Star

Event Date

Jan 05, 2021

Three of MILF3’s finest came out to The Quarry on a drizzly Tuesday morning for some workout fun and fellowship. There was no charge.


SSH, TS, Windmill and Carrot Pickers

The Thang

Since it was rather moist out which makes for poor chalk binding on the pavement, we audibled (aborted) the planned Star workout and instead did one under cover of shelter

Deck of 52 cards (sans jokers)

Value of the card = the number to do of the exercise

♦ Diamonds: Mericans, Face cards = Diamond Mericans

♠ Spades: Squats, Face cards = Jump Squats

♣ Clubs: LBC, Face cards = Jump LBC’s (i.e., Freddie Mercury)

♥ Hearts: Burpees

First Ace: Shuttle run along lines in parking lot

Second Ace: 100 Side Straddle Hops

Third Ace: 150 High Knees

Fourth and Final Ace: Lap around school


  • Another impact of the ongoing pandemic was experienced today. There apparently is no current need for online/remote substitute teachers while doing distance learning. However, the benefits of this situation were clearly evident as the typical approach of wanting to get right down to business instead allowed for more flexibility and some healthy second F bantering opportunities during the workout

  • Q is currently four days into Dry January after an exceptionally wet December. I may need a sponsor

  • Not to worry though, there will still be an MILF3 fellowship Belmont outdoor bar crawl at some point in the future. Confirmed attendees at this point still remain El Tigre, Twister and Natty

  • My daughter loves SEC football and the Cocks. So where is she thinking of attending school?

  • Twister managed to twist his ankle whilst walking the dog. Irony?

  • Perhaps the lap around the school with an ace is not so bad compared to the other alternatives

  • New catchphrase: “Put em up, Put em up. I’ll brain you young whippersnappers…

  • New Year, New You was on full and prominent display today. After a week without working out, G Rip did laps around the school after the workout in his continuing pursuit of emulating his hero, mentor and life coach Slow Roll. The total laps ran were three (note that this was a self-disclosed total and therefore still unconfirmed)

  • Great work men!