Abrams Pax Challenge

Event Date

Jan 11, 2020

Perfect Morning for a little AM beat down.  No punches where pulled as Denver's finest emerged in the gloom, eager to get stronger and better.  The Q had something special in mind.  

30 jumping jacks IC
20 Abe Vigoda's (slow windmills) IC
20 sprinklers IC
arm circles
love yourself
20 mountain climbers IC
10 merkins IC

***run to block pile, grab block and to the track

The Thang
4 rounds in 40 minutes (repeato if early) – modification of the iron pax challenge week 2

10 block burpees
30 block curls
30 Overhead presses
30 skull crushers
30 kettle bell swings
W. Run of 400, 800, 1200, 1600

***head to put blocks up

Don’t Forget
10 pullups each
15 alternating hand merkins

***back to start

22 merkins oyo
20 freddie mercuries
10 jane fondas
20 dolly partons
20 glute bridges
20 high plank shoulder touches
20 leg raises
60 american hammer


There was very little mumble chatter as I think we are all to beat down to chat.

YHC made sure to let everyone know this work out would suck and that it was a modification of the iron pax challenge week 2.  And suck it did.  Secondly, YHC may have claimed to have made this work out easier than Iron Pax Week 2 prescription.  YHC, may have lied.  The 40 minute time limit and increase in distance each round made this all the more difficult.  No rest, just go.  We ran out of time for a couple of exercises and Mary, but I think we all got our money's worth.

Marker – Continues to impress and get stronger.  Big work today.  
Clark – Clark has a mangled finger but still beat down the beat down, as though he was just moseying in a park.
Mater – Crushed the workout while doing his best Maria Sharapova impression.  Oh, by the way, did you know that he got new mirrors for his Jeep.
Diesel – Great work by Diesel today.  He killed the block work and then burned up the track.  Great last lap by he and Jeeves working to catch Marker.
Jeeves –  I guess jeeves is officially a runner now.  Good thing we helped him today with his newly found soccer arms.
Sonar – Steady and strong.  Quietly killed the workout, no complaining, just working.

Missed a lot of guys out today.  Hopefully you are out there sharpening your iron.

I didn't choose a bible verse today, rather wanted to talk about hidden suffering.  I found out this week my son has been getting bullied and he had never mentioned it, quietly suffering and unsure of what to do.  I've noticed some behavior stuff lately, and finally understand why.  The message is that you have loved ones, friends, people that you care about who may be quietly suffering, unsure of how to helpthemselves.  Pay attention, listen to people, observe, and reach out.  Many just don't know how share our pain, suffering, or feelings, or how to get help and comfort.  Pay attention to those you care about and don't be afraid to reach out to help those that need it, or to get help if you need it.