Academy Awards of Pain!

It was a beautiful morning to walk the red carpet and 27 VIP guests decided to get all dressed up in their sunday best (workout clothes) and walk the red carpet at the inagural academy awards of pain.  Some of the guests – 7 by my count – got backstage passes to the Standard (you know who you are) and where thoroughly warmed up for the show.

The remaining guests arrived just as the curtain lifted – which I understand is a normal occurance at this theater – and here is what went down. 


  • Jog around movie theater – Circle Up
  • SSH x 20 IC
  • IST x 15IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Cherry Pickers x 10IC
  • Seal Claps x 25IC

Mosey to the fountain for the start of the Academy Awards of Pain.  The game is simple…correctly guess the year a movie won best picture at the Oscars and you get less pain.  Provide the wrong answer and degree of difficulty is dialed up (see below)

Correct Response = first year digit 1 or 2 Burpees + 2nd digit WWII + 3rd digit Merkins + 4th digit squats + 1 Lap around the block (.25 miles)

Incorrect Response = 5 burpees for every year the answer is off from the correct year with a maximum of 25 Burpees + 20 WWII + 10 Diamond Merkins + 20 Squats + 1 Lap around the block (.25 miles)

EXAMPLE “PATTON” won Best Picture in what year? (1970)

Correct Answer = 1 burpee + 9 WWII + 7 merkins + 0 squats + 1 Lap around the block (.25 miles)

Wrong Answer (1973) = 15 burpees + 20 WWII + 10 Diamond Merkins + 20 Squats + 1 Lap around the block (.25 miles)


Question 1:  “PATTON” won Best Picture in what year? (1970) PAX Answer 1979 Incorrect = 25 burpees et al

Question 2:  “FORREST GUMP” won Best Picture in what year? (1994) PAX Answer 1993 Incorrect = 5 burpees et al

Question 3:  “12 Years a Slave” won Best Picture in what year? (2013) PAX Answer Correct = 2 burpees et al

Question 4:  “TITANIC” won Best Picture in what year? (1997) PAX Answer Correct = 1 burpee et al

YHC decided to combine the last two questions to give the PAX a fighting chance = the lessor or the two correct or incorrect answers would apply

Question 5:  “PLATOON” won Best Picture in what year? (1988)

Question 6:  “DANCES WITH WOLVES” won Best Picture in what year? (1990)

PAX got both incorrect and were only rewarded with 15 burpees et al

Final Results – 3 wrong, 2 right

Burpees x 48

WWII x 69

Merkins x 50

Squats x 70

1.25 Miles

Partner Up

High-Five Merkins x 10

Sprint the block down and back


Leg Throws x 20

Sprint the block down and back



Elbow Plank x 1 minute


This was my second time as Q at this large AO, and plan to be back in the near future to dial up the degree of difficulty.  Thanks Hippie for letting me bring the fun, it was a pleasure

Apparently "inside" voice is required in the outdoors AO, but that did not stop some PAX from complaining about the volume – YHC was not annunciating enough to the back row

Very strong work by all PAX across the board and thanks Toxic for making sure the six was taken care of – workouts are better when done as a group.

Also, seemed like mumblechatter was at an all time low, I guess burpees and .25 mile laps will do that to the PAX – feel free to dial it up at my next Q 🙂

Note to PAX:  blurting out the answer, without a little thinking (Professor) = incorrect answer and more pain.  Glad to see a little collaboration, polling and consensus prior to providing the Q with the answer (even though it was still wrong) – that is team work

Finally, I lead because I care about your fitness first, and hopefully the PAX got what they came for this morning.  Until next time…

P.S. Little Brick was there…sound off in the comments if I missed you

TBone, Out!