Acceleration vs. Inclusion

First things First.  There seems to be some confusion on Half Life / Speed Dating and who the MQ is.  To clarify Airwolf is listed as the MQ of Half Life, taking over from the esteemed Duval. Recently The Count has been the MQ of Speed Dating.  Are Half Life / Speed Dating the same workout?  No. Jolly claimed Half Life is dead. 

So what is Speed Dating?  

0515 YHC arrived for a 1.25 Mile WU.  Matlock's vehicle was already in the parking lot.  Always great to get an HC the night before and see the HC before you arrive!  Great work!

0530 Airwolf, Fraizer, SwingState, FNG-1 = Sonic, and 8-Track join.  The Thang 1.8M WU run to Davidson Track.  To include all paces and training, the PAX broke out to groups.  Fraizer and Sonic did 5X800M repeats with 400M recovery.  Airwolf, Swing State, Matlock did 2X600M @ 9/10 effort followed by 6X200M.  8-Track and YHC did Tempo 4 and 3 miles respectively.  We met Primetime and Freepass at the Track.

All PAX regrouped and ran back to HT Antiquity for 1.8M CD.  WU and CD at 8:30 pace.  Track work at YO pace.  In total PAX got around 6 miles with the high by Matlock who ran 9.5 miles (training for a marathon later this month)

0630 COT and Coffeteria to follow


MOLESKIN – On the run back, Matlock and Airwolf were talking about the differences in the F3 Metro vs. F3 LKN workouts.  Matlock's observation was LKN is much more welcoming.  The idea of inclusion vs. acceleration was brought up.  What does this mean?  Well it was discussed that on F3 Metro Runs, if you can't keep up with the Q /  Lead PAX you get dropped.  So the only way to be included is to focus on acceleration.  So it begs the question.  In LKN are we focused on Acceleration or Inclusion?   Do we always need to go hard to get better?  Do we need to find the easier work outs to make sure we can complete them and feel included?  With you vs. you. the answer varies and there's no right answer.  With the Stafish mentality the only way we grow is by spreading the word, to include more into F3 and make them better.  Speed dating is looking to expand to new PAX.  Goat Busters. Boat Gusters.  Incogs.  etc.  Inclusion promotes Sheild Lock and accountabilty.  But Acceleration also promotes getting outside your comfort zone and trying something new / hard.  Its up to the Q to modify and lead as they see fit.  For Speed Dating the risk is pretty low to feel exlcuded. . . .we work on acceleration (speed) and inclusion together *cool*


"ANGRY is the man who lives in the past. . . FEARFUL is the man who lives in the future. . . MINDFUL is the man who lives in the present.


Each PAX crushed it this morning.  This was a You vs You workout so be proud of what you accomplished and got out of bed to start your day right!


Prayers up to Optimist who is dealing with back pain.  Prayers to Jameson, young boy in the Wynfield community who is recoving from a shark bite, down in the Florida Keys.  Prayers to my Uncle in Law Jim Ferrara who is on Hospice with Stage 4 Brain Cancer.  He's been such an influence for my wife and I.  He's the GodFather and such a true HIM.


Thank you Count, Heely, and Optimist for the ability to lead this group of men this morning who hold me accountible.  Thank you for F3 for giving me the courage and motivation to be better and to mold the best version of myself.



