According to Hurley: Not Enough Running At Viking

Event Date

Dec 03, 2019


6 pax showed this morning to see what was going to happen at Viking. FNG 1 is Plinko_ISO who isn’t on the website yet. FNG 2 is Haagen-Dazs's neighbor Jay who will now be known as Midgie.

Here is how things went down:


Mosey to parking lot by playground and circle up for warm-o-rama:

SSH 20x IC

IST 10x IC

Cotton picker 10x IC

Toy Soldier 10x IC

Windmill 10x IC


Mosey to wall by concession stand.

Balls to the wall 10 count

Come down halfway Australian mountain climbers 10x IC

Decline merkins 10x IC

People’s chair with touch dem heels 10x IC, air press 10x IC, and seal clap 10x IC


Mosey to picnic tables 

Step ups 10x/Leg OYO 

Incline merkins 10x IC

Australian pull ups 10x IC

Dips 10x IC


Mosey to rock pile and grab a rock. Move to bottom of hill and circle up for:

Bicep curls 12x IC

Overhead press 12x IC

Skull crushers 12x IC

Bent over row 12x IC

Quadraphilia up hill

10 burpees 

Crawl bear down hill


Rocks up 


Mosey to tennis court

Four corners of pain

Run to first corner-25 squats 

Run to second corner- 25 merkins, then first corner 25 squats, back to starting point

Run to third corner- 25 LBCs, second corner 25 merkins, then first corner 25 squats, back to starting point

Run to fourth corner – 25 Carolina Dry Docks, third corner- 25 LBCs, second corner 25 merkins, then first corner 25 squats, back to starting point


Side step to first corner, lunge walk to next corner, side step to next corner, and reverse lunge to last corner.


Mosey to launching point and circle up for Mary.

Dying cockroach 15x IC

Low Flutter 15x IC




COT – Thanks for leading us out Stapler.




Thanks to all who came out to better themselves and help to push me in the process.


Thanks for allowing me to lead Fescue.


Until next time,

Cousin Eddie