
Welcome Stefano FNG
Mosey round the lot and grab a block
Circle up for disclaimer and the assignment: be ready to share up to 3 personal goals you intend to achieve in 20202.  YHC will Q Gladiator the last Tuesday of each month and ask for an update on your goals.
SSH X 50
Downward Dog L and R
Low Hover
Mountain Climber X 15
IST X 15
SSH X 50
Slow Squat
Full curl
Overhead press
Mosey to Fountain for:
‘Merican Time Bomb 7,6,5…
Jump-squat Time Bomb (hold in Al Gore position) 7,6,5…
Mosey to Stumptown steps and grab a partner
Wheelbarrow to the top, 7 burpees each, circle down and swap; 6,5,4… (Jersey Boy does burpees correctly, or so he tells us.  Implying the rest of us do not)
Mosey down to retaining wall
Bear crawl from curb to wall, hop up on wall for 5 squats, hop down and bear crawl back.  3 cycles.  (Jersey Boy had good form here, too.)
Mosey to School wall for people’s chair (briefly)
Balls to the Wall for 10 count by Landline
Muhammed Ali
BTTW for 10 count by Travolta
Mosey back to the blocks
Plank on the block for shoulder-touch ‘Mericans led by Snake Eyes
Replace blocks and mosey back for MARY
Travolta instructed and led the pax in LKN’s FAVORITE, unanimously and anonymously voted, exercise: The Blast-off ‘Merican
Dying Cockroach X 50 
Recover X 2
Personal Goals:
Carpetbagger: 300 workouts in 2020
Toxic: At least 1 Adoration/ month
Nite Light: More workouts and more patience
Crocs: 1200 miles 
Rodeo: 4 F3/ week
Stapler: Jiu Jitsu w/ daughter
Stefano (FNG): Get back in shape
Jersey Boy: Improve relationship with his wife, finish his daily work by 2:00 pm to spend more time with his son, STOP using plastic bags
Jimmy Olsen: Run a relay race
Metallica:  Improve relationship with Jersey Boy’s wife (JK), 100 ‘Mericans per day, every day, regardless of the workout
Landline: Exercise 4-5 days per week and run 800 miles
Snake Eyes: Learn to swim on top of the water
Mayhem: Learn to cook decent meals, Run BRR, Run a half-marathon
Travolta: More patience with his kids, achieve industry certifications (that’s not personal, BTW), Find a new Master Q for Gladiator 
Soprano: Workout 225 times, Q workouts 24 times, read 25 books (not picture books, must have more words than pictures)
Thanks for posting, Gents!  Please plan to attend Gladiator on #AccountabilityTuesday, the last Tuesday of each month starting in January where we can get an update on your progress toward these goals.
Happy New Year to All of F3 Nation!