Accoutabilty – It’s a thing

Event Date

Dec 15, 2017


 The morning began with a text from TBC indicating  he was under the weather. Rest up buddy. That didn’t stop eight of Lake Norman‘s finest from getting after it at 4:45 AM. As I pull the truck into  birkdale, I was pleasantly surprised to see JimmyO. 

Jingle bell’s, jaws, and dirt all took off to run the four and half mile loop  while Jimmy Olsen, Cornwallis, BlackBerry, red October, and why HC took off on a timed ruck. 

 Challenge: rock 3.5 miles in under 45 minutes and return no later than 0530. 

 Challenge status: ACCEPTED


 All arrived safe and sound a little more tired than when I left. For the next 45 minutes we discussed good friends and holding each other accountable. Thanks to TBC for putting together one heck of a Bible study. I always enjoy the conversation at Emmaus.