Ad Hoc Q in F3RCUSA

It was early last evening that Stroker Ace posted he'd need a Q for this AM, Shambala stepped up and offered to Q, and upon arriving this AM, YHC offered to co-Q if Shambala did not have a full 45 min plan in place.  As such, it was agreed, conferred upon, ratified, verified, and solidified that there would be a consortium of Q's today, starting with a smooth Hummer warm-up, Shambala The Thang, and Dewey was to handle to finishing maneuvers.  Here's how it went down:

Warm ups: Mozy, IC-SSH 20, CP'S 10, CDD'S 10, HILLBILLY'S 10, WM'S 10, MERICANS 10, MC'S 15, SDS 15. 20 R/L single count Calf raises, using wall as guide, then 5 (five) burpees, climb wall, mozy around for round 2, 3, and 4 of the same.  Mozy over to Stroker's joint (some 'spring type place') to the DID wall.  IC Dips 10, Inclines 8, Declines 6 were done and repeated 1 (one) time.  Mozy to back of building, Iron Chair with 10 IC heel touches.  Reigns were then formally handed over Shambala to deliver more pain.

The Thang: Mozy to block storage area (BSA) of said Spring Place, distribute bricks, Dora 1,2,3!  Pardner 1 reps, 2 runs, switch to the following numbers of each exercise was achieved. 100 skull crushers, 200 mil presses, 300 curls.  Running pardner went to top of hill smacked out 3 8 count body builders, then ran back to relieve his partner of seemingly unending pain.  Small COP was then coalesced to do 15 IC 'block assisted' squats.  Blocks returned, mozy…the LONG way, back to AO for

Mary: IC Low Flutter 20.  Recover, recover.


-The AP did launch roughly a minute behind, but that did not remotely affect Totebag, who felt the start time should be closer to 5:33–which is when he decided to show.  He only missed the SSH's if you're wondering, Senator.

-Lots of Swamp Fox stories were told by Cheezewiz and Apehanges.  It seems 'saddle time', the ability to paddly a kayak straight, and team pre-planning all help tremendously in such an adventure.  NO leaches were discovered, but a tick was!

-Dewey had duitifuly voluteered to help Q.  Shambala was handed the reigns at 5:52, and took us home easily. Thanks Dewey for offering up your services, sorry Shambala and YHC went long on the first two segments.

-Stroker, you were missed, it was nice to see you heading into work as we 'worked' the DID Wall (can we TM that?).  Work emergencies come up, and your F3RCUSA Brethren are there for you.