Adapt and Overcome

Event Date

Apr 11, 2022


Would you look at that!  I remembered all the names without a recording device (OK, it took me a minute, but it still happened). #GrowingOldGoals

As with most things in F3, there was a plan to meet where we always meet.  There were parking issues. Some pax parked in legitimate spaces.  Some did not.  Most everyone parked where they saw others parking, but there were small groups of vehicles spaced sporadically about the premises. So, although we all knew when and where to meet, we all decided to move our cars to a more collective, legitimate parking area and launch from there.  And, again, as with most things in F3, you adapt and overcome.  Cobains to anyone reading this that was there and didn't get the memo.  In my defense, you shouldn't have been late.

I usually like to have a theme for my Qs, and today was no different.  The date is 4/11, and that was the theme.  It only took Dingo about 2 exercises to figure it out.  Here's how things happened (to the best of my recollection).

Warmorama in the new meeting area. SSH x11ic, IST x11ic, Slow-Deep Squat x11ic, Windmill x11ic

Mosey to the first parking deck ramp: Burpees x4 OYO, then a set of 11s with Mericans at the top and WW2 Sit Ups at the bottom.  Side shuffle facing the same way up and down the ramp.  That took way longer than I thought it would.  So, once again, adapt and overcome…

Mosey to the next parking deck ramp: Burpees x4 OYO, then a set of 11s (with Squats at the top and LBCs in cadence at the bottom. Time is of the essence so only even reps at the top…2,4,6,8,10 and reciprocal reps at the bottom…9,7,5,3,1.

Mosey to parking deck ramp #3: Burpees x4 OYO (Thanks to Dingo for reminding the pax of the pattern), then a set of 11s with CDD at the top and 1 Dying Cockroach in cadence at the bottom.  Time was really getting tight, so we adapted and overcame again with only 1 trip up the ramp (Quardiphelia-like)

Mosey to parking deck ramp #4: Burpees x4 OYO then a set of 11s (single trip up quadrephelia style) with 10 low flutters in cadence at the top and 10 dips at the bottom.

Mosey back to the most central point to all the cars for a last minute 4-11.  Luckily, Popcorn had a great idea to do 4 more burpees OYO and we finished with 11 Plank Jacks in cadence.

I think that was all.

A few things discussed at MONDAY MORNING QUARTERBACK once we were able to retrieve wallets and reassemble at Starbucks. I don't remember everything and had to leave early:

Jesus' character was most tested and most prevalent during his suffering. It did not falter, yet was highlighted in the face of tribulation. The Case for Christ and His resurrection still stands irrefutable 2000 years later. The foundation of Christianity is the same worldwide, and has been proven to cure homesickness.