Adults-only Couples Retreat at Mighty Jungle

Disclaimer, Warm-o-rama 


Get blocks, set them aside

  • if anyone on IR, stay here
  • Zamoirini 1st Lap
  • Al Gore 2nd Lap no block
  • Elbow plank 3rd Lap
  • Block straight out final lap


If not on IR:  

I-L-C-O in the parking lot


Pull-up bars

  • partner up Size Does NOT matter
  • 10 pull-ups / Dying Cock-a-roach
  • 10 chin-ups / Freddie Ms
  • 10 pull-ups / WWIIs
  • 10 chin-ups / Crunchy Frog
  • 10 your choice / encouragement 


Get a new partner – size DOES matter

  • Helping Hand x 8 each arm
  • Flapjack
  • Repeato x 6
  • Repeato x 4
  • Repeato x 2
  • Find a pole/tree/sign for Partner Christian McCalf-raises
  • Now partner squats


Find some curb: 

  • Rocky Balboas
  • Curb Merkins
  • Flip


Lap (IR stay at blocks zampirini)


To the blocks:

  • low, high, full curls
  • Skull Crushers
  • Lawn Mowers
  • Chest press
  • Skull Crushers again
  • If time dead lift
  • If time shoulder press


At 7:45 put blocks away


Mosey over to the rope (big, long, thick….)



Couples therapy Moleskin :


Today’s wei or was inspired by the movie Couples Retreat, which YHC referenced numerous times before realizing most of the pax had not seen it… #awkwardmoments


T-claps to Moses for EHing the church goer asking him to join us in COT prayer.  It worked, and just like that – that guy now knows F3!


Prayers for Rockets best friend in Ohio, Shaun, who suffered a stroke this week.  It will be a long road for him, but with family and friends like Rocket to support him – he will get there.