AES is for the birds

Plus one other Pax who is not on the website.. I believe it was Abby or Addy?

A hungry group showed up at AES this morning. Went through a pretty typical warmup with the exception of 7 BamBams thrown in at the end. YHC has yet to call that in the warmup and it not receive mumblechatter calling into the question the validity of being a warmup exercise. The truth is I know of no finer warmup exercise. I mean if you aren't warm after 7 Bambams, there is something wrong. It really gets the blood flowing everywhere. Expect the trend to continue. 

Following the warmup we did a set of Lieutenant Dan, which consists of working down by one from 10 squats to 1 and up by one from 1 lung each leg to 10 lunges each leg. The math is tricky but it always adds up to 11 (except for when you have to do both legs on the lunge and the count doubles). More on tricky math later.

Next we moseyed to the pullup bars and partnered up for 3 rounds of bar exercise, leg thowdowns, and a FULL lap (thanks ChimChim) around the school. First round was 10 pullups and 30 leg throwdowns each, second round was 10 commandos and 25 leg throwdowns each, third round was 10 chin ups and 20 leg throwdowns each.

Then we moseyed some more, this time to the hill behind the school for some hill work:

Bear crawl up hill, 10 jump squats at top, mosey down

Crawl Bear up hill, 10 jump squats at top, mosey down

Quadrafilia up hill, 5 jump squats at top, mosey down – Repeato x 5

Mosey back to school for a 10 count and People's Chair

Mosey back to Green to finish up with a Pinky Pie. Pinky Pie consists of working down by one from 10 incline merkins to 1 and working up by one from 1 dip to 10. Again the math is that the combination of both reps add up to 11. Except that this was called in cadence, which means it actually ends up being 22. Tricky math. Tricky Q. It almost ended up backfiring on YHC about 2/3 of the way through the set when I was wondering if I'd be able to keep counting all the way through. There is really something to pushing through that last third.

Recover Recover



– See above for most of it

– I always appreciate the opportunity to lead the Pax up in Davidson. Lots of respect in the group today but you would never know it. Not sure if that is a compliment or not, but take it as you will. Until next time- same bat time, same bat channel

– I leave you with this challenge:
