AES stands for Advanced Early Sogginess

Event Date

Jul 23, 2019


Didn't know what to expect at AES – having never been to one previously.  Was glad to see two of my favorites emerge from the gloom.  Actually – Spanarkle didn't emerge – he was already on a library bench when I got there and claimed that's where he had slept.  

Also at the lauch was DEVO.  Did a huge solid by dropping off some materials for the Gears Comedy Night (August 27th – Galway Hooker in Cornelius – $25 tickets available).  Still a little banged up – DEVO exchanged pleasantries and was on his way.  Good to ride with him last night – on his birthday.  The D9 Monday Night rides are really becoming a huge event each week – thanks to the efforts of DEVO.  Seemed like at least 30 riders last night.  (Meet at the basketball courts at Bailey Road Park each Monday at 6:15.  Usually two groups – A and B – always a no drop affair.  Grab beers art D9 post ride.  D9 will donate a dollar for every beer consumed to the Gears MS team).


– All of your favorites – SSH, IST, Windmills, Apollo Onos, Mountain Climbers, Alternating step ups on the wall, stretchy stretch.

Mosey to the Church

– Grab a paver

– Round One – all exercises IC x 12 = Curls, Overhead Press, Skull Crushers, Bent Over Rows, Squats

– RD 1 Bonus Exercise – Progressive Curls – 8 count starting with a small movement up to a full curl by the time we got to 8 (x10?)

– Take a lap around the lot

– Round Two – all exercises IC x 10 = Curls, Overhead Press, Skull Crushers, Bent Over Rows, Squats

– Rd 2 Bonue Exercise – Moving Mericans = Start on your paver – merican on the 1-2, move off the paver to the right on the 3-4.  Second rep ends back up on the paver, Thrid ends to the left, etc etc x 12

– Take a lap around the lot

– Put up the pavers

There had been early talk of a visit to Goodrum Street for some hill work.  YHC called an audible for several reasons:

– I pushed it at the D9 ride last night and my legs were feeling it

– With an intimate group, we were talking a bunch as we worked – good 2ndF.  Harder to acheive on Goodrum.

– That hill sucks

So……it was off to the school we went, where we ran into the 5:30 crew taking their licks from Riptide.

– Find a spot on the wall for People's Chair with Air Press

– Australian Mountain Climbers on the wall

– Repeato People's Chair with Air Press

– Repeato Australian MCs

Head to the picnic tables

– Dips x 15 IC, One legged squats x 10 each leg OYO, Incline Mericans, One Legged squats x 10 each leg OYO, Decline Mericans, One Legged dquats x 10 each leg OYO

Head for the Green


– LBCs, Low Flutters, W's, Dying Cockroach, Pretzel Crunch L, Pretzel Crunch R


Humidty Moleskine

– Small but mighty group.  Good mix of sweat and conversation.

– See opening paragraph regarding our announcements – D9 Ride and Comedy Night

– Always an honor and a pleasure to be among you fine men.

