After 3 Years, At Least I Know I can Still Bring It! And The Pax Felt It!

Event Date

Feb 10, 2018

Not Included.  Twister and Longshanks


When I arrived at the Mighty Jungle…there was one lone truck in the lot.  Borther Longshanks from The Fort ventured his way up North to partake in an anniversary beat down by YHC.  He happened to foget that there is very little traffic.  So he was able to get a 2 mile standard in.  With just a couple of minutes to go…three amigos stood wondering where everybody was.  All in all, whether on time or just fashionably late, a Pax of 8 ventured into the jungle for survival.  Light rain, mild temps was perfect weather for what perspired…because there was plenty of that.

It goes a little something like this…Hit IT!


Pledge of Allegiance

Mosey Lap around church parking lot and circle up by fountain…not under cover


SSH x15 IC

Toy Soldier x15 IC

Cotton Pickers x 15 IC

Mountain Climbers x15 IC

The Burpee

Mosey to school

Bear crawl to curb 10 merkins

Bear crawl back to curb 8 merkins

Bear crawl to curb 6 merkins

Bear crawl to curb 4 merkins

Bear crawl to curb 2 merkins

Bear crawl to curb


Head to wall

People’s chair

Add air presses x15 IC

Shake legs

People’s chair

Add heel touches x15 IC

Balls to the wall

30 seconds

Mosey to the newly named Copperhead Hill

Ladder with a 21 gun salute

Quadraphillia up the hill

19 jump squats.

Mosey bottom of hill

2 Merkins

Repeato with subtracting 2 at the top and adding 2 at the bottom

Leg breaker right there.

Mosey to shed for a dance with Cindy…blocks that is

Curls x10 IC

Shoulder press x10 IC

Squat of choice x10 IC

Block swings 10 OYO

Skull crusher x10 IC

Chest press x10 IC

WW2 sit up with or without block, Pax choice x10

Russian twist x10 IC

Quick lap around first island

Curls x5 IC

Shoulder press x5 IC

Squat x5 IC

Block swing x5 OYO

Skull crusher x5 IC

Chest press x5 IC

WW2 sit up x5

Russian twist x5 IC

Drop off Cindy to her home.

Clean up mess at pull up bars ordered by MQ Rocket

While we are here, 10 Pull Ups OYO

Mosey to cars for Mary Mary…why you buggin


Low flutter x 15 IC

Dying Cockroach x15 IC

Box cutter x15 IC

LBC x15 IC

X’s and O’s but no Tic Tac Toe x3

Recover Recover

Wet Moleskin

3 years ago today, I took the DRP and made my way to Man Maker Monday. Not knowing anyone and certainly an introvert, I was not sure what I was getting myself into.  45 minutes later, walking away forever known as Olive…I was hooked.  A lot has happened in these past three years.  Not going to go into much detail but I know every time I step in the Gloom, and I sweat, and I push, and I fist pump my brothers I am a better man for it.  Without F3, brothers local in the LKN and afar…I would not be where I am today…standing.

I appreciated the Pax who conquered the threat of rain and joined me today.  I would especially like to thank brother Longshanks from The Fort for making the trip up North for a friendly beatdown and coffeteria.  Always good to see you brother.

There was a constant plea from the MQ to have another scavenger hunt to find shelter.  Sadly, YHC did not comply but one time.  The wet ground felt mighty nice at the end!

Strong work by Twister.  Only 4th post.  The workouts never get easier but you will get stronger…

As a reminder…the workout begins at 7am…not 7:01…not 7:05 or 7:10.  There is your public service announcement for the day!  But for the latecomers…I am glad you were there.

How do you get the pax to be quiet…quadraphillia up a hill with jump squats…I was originally going to do burpees…Even I can show mercy

Thank you to Rocket for allowing me the opportunity to Q

Thanks to Outlaw for taking us out!

Live Life. Own Every Second.  Never, Never, Take Anything For Granted.


Humbly Yours,
