After 6 years I’m still hear with a Christmas Tree and we’re still disappointed in Jorel’s vasectomy

War Daddy = Die Hard (where was IKEA today?).  War Baby = El Chapo

17 pax appeared in the moist Gloom, gathered at the usual spot (handicap parking space) and awaited the Q's arrival for the 6th annual anniversary beatdown by The Force (YHC).

The THANG (X exercises in cadence, even if not stated as such):

Mosey up Hugh Torrance and up to the first pain circle while doing some high knees and butt-kickers karoke. 

Tremendous story (for those who chose to listen) from YHC about his early days of getting EH'ed by Thug and Bama, and finally caving in to a Black Eye Pea EH after beers at the pool. 

COP Warm-o-rama

SSH X 20 15

Mtn Climbers X 15

Windmill X 20

Squats X 15 (last 5 sloooow)

Imperial Storm Troopers X 15

Cotton Pickers X 15


Mosey to Friday’s house (corner of da Beach, but Friday no longer resides there).  That line is from years ago, and funny YHC knows the family who has lived there for at least the past 4-5 years.

Visit the sights of MacAuley Beach with 4 corners:

Corner 1 – 10 Merkins  15 Carolina Dry Docks

Corner 2 – 10 CDDs 15 Merkins

Corner 3 – 10 LBCs  15 Freddie Mercury's

Corner 4 – 5 10 burpees (oops)

Elbow plank – while everyone finishes


Form 2 lines Kumquat – wait, where's Kumquat???  Ugh, Burner then! –  leads the “fast line”, Jorel leads the “slow line”  behind The Force and 9 Lives for some Indian run action – "as far as you can go for 2 laps" (original quote from Jorel)

This was a complete mess the first lap.  So "everyone go to a different line this time."  (YHC's line, which makes as much sense as anything Jorel said 6 years earlier).  2nd lap was no better.

"Not enough bikinis at this beach…let’s go home." (again, Jorel's line)


Stop at the giant yarn ball (open field at Macbeth):

Shoulder Touch Merkins X 16 (Jorel screwed this up 3 years ago and I somehow did so again in trying to repeat – and we ended up with 17..)

Squats X 15


Mosey to Queens Corner

Curb kicks X 20

Decline Merkins X 15

Freddie Mercury X 20

W X 15


Mosey behind tennis courts and pick up a friend

Hi Curl X 10

Low Curl X 10

Full Curl X 10

Rotate 4 to the right

Shoulder press X 10

Stop at small rock pile on Hugh Torrance for quick sets of Skull Crushers and Curls (less quick for the curls as 9 Lives took my rock)

Mary With A Rope (MWAR):

By now most pax know this one – pax gathers along the 3 pt line while one man works the rope from the FT line.  Pax does an exercise called by the first man in on the 3 pt.  After the exercise, next man rotates to the FT line for the rope, next man calls the exercise.  We try to get to everyone, but ran out of time today about half way around. Quick math calculation by the Q (former MQ) and it was determined that with 17 pax we would have just enough time for a max of 6 reps of each Mary exercise.  Per-Fect!


The Confusing, Sweaty Moleskine:

Now we see just how good bad YHC's memory is…  The words marked through were how the original really went, then edited to reflect today's events.  My bad especially on the burpee count.

T-claps to Snake Eyes and Crocs who also posted last night at Night Ranger – just 10 hours earlier, and at least a few beers later.  

Speaking of, Jenny must have told me 5 times last night he'd see me this morning.  #NoShow #2manybeersmaybe

T-Claps to Freedom for being an inspiration to us all and a big part of just one great example of the brotherhood of F3. Our brother was knocked down and needed us.  F3Nation stepped up to help, and perhaps most importantly, Freedom accepted that help.  It takes two – the giver and the receiver.  And we all reap the rewards of that exchange, as proven by all the men who gathered last night to celebrate the fact that Freedom is not only still alive, but that he's posting regularly AND a Master Q!  PS, one more T-Claps to Freedom, who told me repeatedly and consistently he would NOT see me this morning.  #KnowsHisLimits

YHC's been doing this 6 years now and this morning was the worst attempt at an Indian Run YHC has ever witnessed or been a part of.

9 Lives aggressively grabbed a sizable stone for Skull Crushers, then returned it after about 3 reps for a pebble.  YHC quickly called for "rocks down, move 4 to your left" so 9 Lives could have a REAL rock.  I care about your fitness. You're welcome.  36 reps later, rocks back.  Cobains to Storm Chaser who also inherited a sizable rock from Ultraman for all those reps.  T-Claps to whoever left me the rock I got!

T-Claps to BEP for overserving me at the pool one Saturday 6 years ago and EHing me to post at F3.

T-Claps to Jorel for his Q that day.  Never know – had it been too hard, too easy, too scary, or just plain too many burpees or not enough mumblechatter… maybe YHC would never have posted again.  Keep that in mind, fellas – your Q could change someone's life so prepare for every Q and don't disappoint.

T-Claps to Gnarly Goat who gave up his Q in order to allow YHC to take the reigns at the last minute (F3Anny snuck up on me).
