Alarm bells going off – run away!

13 of Isotopes finest made the choice to get better today. YHC is glad they did and captured it in the words below. Several Pax are coming back from injury, and with YHC’s race tomorrow, the plan was to go easy on the lower body. I think we succeeded with minimal running and zero squats. 



Slow WM

Dwight Shrutes – Front to back & Front; left to right & back


Toy Soldier

The Thang

Mosey to the Wall

Line up with hands on the wall and feet near the curb in a plank position

Wall Walk to the right & end of the wall

Wall Walk to the left and start of the wall

Wall Walk down to a merican & back up; wall walk down to 2 mericans & back up, up to 5

Circle up for runners pose, stretch, and twist, L & R

Back to the Wall for Peoples Chair with Air Press

Mosey to start of hill

Merican Crawls – start with 1 Mexican, followed by bear crawling 1 step, then 2 mericans & bear crawl 2 steps, 3-3, 4-4.. up to 10. This is a smoker because you are always in a crawl or merican position.

Mosey down the hill

Lunge walk with a twist up the hill 

Dips on the curb

Muhammad Alis on the curb

Locate the steps for 5 reps of stair climbs. It was determined Rocky would have been far less of a movie if he climbed the steps at General.

PSA Time – look for the AED at your neighborhood AO We located the one at the General at the back of the rest rooms. We opened it to see how we could access it in an emergency, and the alarm went off. We quickly closed it up and ran away. This was the most running we would do all day.

Circle up for Mobility Moment

Given the average age of the crowd was 50+, it made sense to stretch out from a stressful week.

Upward & Downward dog, Greatest American Hero, Pigeon, oh yes the pigeon, some spinal twisting, and  finishing up with Catchers Pose.


Great work today pushing through the suck of the early part and getting rewarded at the end with your stretch sequence.

QvQ Championship is Monday at MMM. Come out and see if the defending Champ retains the title, or if Don Ho knocks him off?

Bring Shoes to donate to the workouts the week of Good Friday.

Prayers for Moonlight, Force’s Mom, my Mom, and all the aging parents and pax who care for them across the nation. 

Until next time when I SYITG