All Body Beatdown

15 men enjoyed a full-body workout complete with a good stretch…


Mosey to warm-o-rama

SSH x 15

Carrot pullin’ Long snappin’ Cotton pickin’ SOB x 15

Forward leaning rest

‘Merican x 10

IST x 15

Windmill x 10

Mosey to Rock pile


Curls x 10

Should press x 10

Skull crusher x 10

Bent over row x 10

Chest press x 15

LBC x 20


Mosey to HT Wall

Praying Mantis x 15

Balls to the Wall – 30 seconds

Praying Mantis x 15

Mosey to breezeway

Step ups 10 each leg

Peoples chair with Airpress

Incline ‘Americans x 10

Step ups 10 each leg

Peoples Chair with Touch Them Heels

Decline ‘Mericans x 10

Mosey to Launch for stretch 

Suzanne Somers x 25 each leg

Down Dog with Pigeon

Last but not least – Crunchy Frog x 10



Thanks to Outlaw for allowing me to Q. I enjoy leading this amazing group of men each and every time. Noted that everyone felt that each part of the body was utilized.. Glad to do so as I care about everyones fitness 😉   Lastly – great prayer by Lego – thank you Brother.
