All Core Work

Event Date

Mar 08, 2017

12 men gathered including FNG Michael for a hard “core” workout. The warm-up is the thang the thang is the warm up, let’s get started. By the end this should be us

10 x Dr W’s

15 x Windmills IC

15 x Mtn Climbers IC

25 x SSH IC

15 x Storm Troopers

15 x hands overhead sit-ups on curb (partner holds feet), switch and repeato

Mosey to back of school

15 x side plank dips IC, switch #crowdpleaser

15 x copperhead merkins IC

15 x partner leg throws

15 x wall push IC

Grab a rock

15 x Goblet Lunge IC

15 x Slow Goblet Squat IC

15 x Sidewinder IC


10 x Carolina Dry Docks IC

15 x Monkey humpers IC

15 x pickle pounders IC

25 x reverse crunches IC

25 x LBCs IC

Repeato kinda … did rock work and abs …rotate to right 4 and I end up with sweet tits, Score !

15 x Skull Crushers IC

15 x Full Curls IC

15 x Sidewinder IC

15 x Crunches with rock on chest

10 x double wide merkins IC

15 x Monkey humpers IC

15 x pickle pounders IC

15 x reverse crunches IC

15 x LBCs IC



“In the Plank Tonight”  – Hold plank during the song in the Air Tonight by Phil Collins – 5:31 variations thrown in, but all plank


As I was looking for a reflection verse I came across this from 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5 that I thought would be great to pray us out with 

“As for other matters, brothers and sisters, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you. And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil people, for not everyone has faith. But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one. We have confidence in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to do the things we command. May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.”

Mumble chatter

FNG Michael posts after hearing the good word at the ball field last weekend, solid effort ! I enjoyed the comment he made that he definitely wouldn’t have been doing this today on his own, We are all right there with you Brother ! So he hails from Lincoln County, an Original Stanger, enjoys all sports, served in the army, drives a forklift …. We dub the “Spork” (Sports, forklift, utensil of choice in the Army)

– Zipped through the exercises at a decent clip this morning, pun intended

– Plenty of commentary and lack of counting (audibly), well played Clark, well played

– C# takes a look at my weinke and states “Oh Crap” – read into that what you will

– A few new exercises thrown in today, sound off in the comments with your favorite

– Plenty of groans during “In the Plank Tonight” and comments around the Hangover movie, Risky BusinessPhil Collins taking an awfully long time to get out lyrics, yada yada