All gassed up and ready to go!

Event Date

Sep 06, 2022


Gambini got me on the calendar earlier this summer, I agreed and noted it on my not so modern At A Glance calendar that day.  However, it wasnt until the night before when I was miles away in Buies Creek, NC that I realized the day was upon us so quickly.  I guess that is what the Labor Day Holiday does to you!!!  I still got some old tricks up my sleeve so decided to go with some Gassers today.  I believe all left with their tanks full….or should that be empty…..hmmmm!!!


Head to the track and perform SSH; IST; LS; TS; WM at each "corner" and mosey in between.

The Thang:

Grab a block!!  Ooops!!  Gate is locked????  Grab a rock!!!  Head to the pitch (thats soccer talk for "field")

Pax was informed that they needed to think of a block(rock) exercise during the warm-up for use later……Each pax would lead a rock exercise and then the group would do a GASSER: A gasser is over and back across the pitch x2.

1. Hoff: The Curl, run one gasser

2. Hoff: The curl; Gambini: Delt raise, run one gasser

3. Hoff: The curl; Gambini: Delt raise; Sack Daddy: Upright row, run one gasser

4. Hoff: The curl; Gambini: Delt raise; Sack Daddy: Upright row; Drebin: Skullcrusher, run one gasser

5. Hoff: The curl; Gambini: Delt raise; Sack Daddy: Upright row; Drebin: Skullcrusher; Snake Eyes: Shoulder Press, run one gasser

6. Hoff: The curl; Gambini: Delt raise; Sack Daddy: Upright row; Drebin: Skullcrusher; Snake Eyes: Shoulder Press; Bob Ross: Rock Squat, run one gasser

7. Hoff: The curl; Gambini: Delt raise; Sack Daddy: Upright row; Drebin: Skullcrusher; Snake Eyes: Shoulder Press; Bob Ross: Rock Squat; Peart Plus: Chest Press, run one gasser

Put the rocks back!!


Shoulder Touch Plank, Recover, Recover!!

Great work men!!

Until next time!

