All Left Turns at The Mighty Oak

It had to have been 20 degrees and 90% less humidity in the gloom today as compared to yesterday!  That, or YHC’s workout just wasn’t very hard…  Either way, 8 pax including YHC showed up to see what a bunch of PB’ed left turns had to offer.  Perhaps the pax expected a mostly running workout – MQ Estwing showed up with a “bum finger” and Hippie showed up, well, with his running legs and no gloves.  Alas, we’d do a little running but all in short distances and with many reps in between.  Here’s what the pax was offered:

Station 1:  Complimentary workout music – a mixture of inappropriate rap and appropriate rock.  And blocks.  We’d do two sets of the same exercise before taking off to station 2 (the next turn of the track).  Exercises at the start would include:

Warm-o-rama (the usual stuff)

Full Curls

Skull Crushers

Shoulder Presses

Chest Presses

Lawn Mowers (yep, 2 sets for each arm before leaving for station 2)

We ran out of time before getting to squats and Christian McCalf-raises but those muscle groups were still work.  Keep reading.

Station 2:  Mary work.  Pax would take turns calling a Mary exercise each time we reached this station.  Jacknife LBCs, Freddie Ms, Low Flutters, Suzanne Sommers, Ws, etc.  We’d do one set them head to the next “corner” of the track, or station #3.

Station 3:  Partner Helping Hand x5 each arm.  Because Estwing took off for a run with his bumfinger all stiff and taped up, the pax were left with the odd pax count of 7.  YHC took the first set/round of these off and planked/watched/clip-boarded.  Each round a different pax would volunteer to plank, and we’d all select a different partner.  This made it easier on some (like anyone who partnered with Lambeau) and harder on others (probably harder on pax who partnered with YHC, for example).

Station 4:  Merkins x10 OYO

Station 5:  This would not be the 5th corner (that would be silly), but the basketball goals between station 4 and the start (station 1 blocks w/ music).  Here the pax was instructed to jump to touch either the top of the backboard, the rim, the bottom of the backboard or the bottom of the net.  Pretty sure all pax leapt as high and strong as they could for 5 jumps each round and all were able to reach the bottom of the nets at least once…  This station proved to be a smoker, along with most of the Helping Hand rounds at station 3.

There would be no final Mary as this was station 2 throughout the workout with ample burning sensation.


Some banter was included in the above, so to get all the moleskine please read the entire BB (Blackbeard) vs going straight to the desert.

Think I’ve only posted with Lambeau once or twice before.  Dude has a motor.

Impressed that (Hippie, I believe) guessed the origin of Lambeau’s nickname immediately – “Must be from Chicago.”  Yep.  Ouch.

Kosar complained there were “only” 10 merkin reps.  Well…  times 5 so there’s 50 merkins for ya, Kosar.  No, it turns out the math wasn’t perfect…  50 merkin reps but only 40 reps of each block exercise (10 in cadence = 20 plus repeato = 40).  Pretty close, though.

 While very fit, Gambini is far older than he seems.  Complains about loud music, can’t hear well, etc.  That said, he’s got my vote come November!

Praise and continued prayers for Blackbeard as he continues to make a great recovery from back surgery.  Hear he’s making his way to workouts now and putting in solid mall-walking.  Can’t wait to see him in the gloom soon.  

Others are also recovering from injuries and such.  Keep pushin’ fellas!

Prayers up for some of our moms who are battling cancer, dementia, and other diseases which unfortunately can come with age, and those also just facing the inevitable aging process.  Praise to them and their loved ones as we continue to rejoice over our time with them.

Praise and t-claps for all who were involved with the Hope House event last Saturday.  More than doubled their goal for fund raising. #F3Proud
