All Legs

Event Date

Feb 02, 2016


10 men decided to get a little better today with an all legs workout.  Gotta get those skinny jeans to fit!!!  Q was joyed at the fact that even despite warnings to several of the Pax of the coming all legs workout that they decided to show anyways.  It didn't take long for the sweat to commence and the layers to be shed.  Here's how it all went down:


SSH x 20IC

Mountain Climbers x15IC

Windmills x10IC

30 sec in-place high knees


The Thang

Q breaks out the make-shift whiteboard to reveal the pyramid routine with exercises covered "Wheel of Fortune" style.  Basically six rounds with Round 1 starting with exercise 1 then each subsequent Round building by one additional exercise until Round 6 with all 6 exercises.  Q set a timer for 35 minutes and Pax worked OYO to get as far as they could before time expired.

Our fill in "Vanna" reveals the following exercises as the first Pax member completes each Round:

Exercise 1:  Jump Squats x50

Exercise 2:  Fire Hydrants X25 each leg

Exercise 3:  Jump Lunges X25 each leg

This is about the time Metro asks, "aren't we doing any arms?????"  NO, that's why its called All Legs!

Exercise 4:  Mule Kicks X25 each leg

Exercise 5:  Star Bursts X50

Despite the multitude of chatter coming from the Q's 6, the only mentionable comment heard was 
"I'd like to buy an exercise that doesn't suck!!!"  Well here ya go Skipper, how about……

Exercise 6:  Half Burpees X50

As time expired it looked as if all Pax members were somewhere in the mid to latter parts of Round 6.  Great job gents.  But we still have time for Mary.


WWI sit-ups  X10

LBC's X15

Peter Parks X10

Mason Twist 30 sec


Continue to pray for our list of kids fighting their way to a healthy future (BJ, Brailin, Khaleda) and friends battling for a cure.  It's during difficult times when one thing right after another goes against us that makes us begin to wonder if prayers are being heard or if the Lord is listening.  I believe it is times like this that we have a harder time looking and listening for him.  He is always near.  As 2 Samuel verse 22 (David's Song of Praise) states:

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer, my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation.  He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior – from violent men you save me.  I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies.

The verses continue and brings to light more and more reasons for confiding in the Lord and offers refuge from whatever or whomever may be your "enemy" or "distress". Take heed as the Lord is always with you.  


*Never thought of the "Wheel of Fortune" analogy until Skipper enlightened me, Q was merely attempting to prevent a mutiny.

*Gillette, how did you like your welcome back party?!?!?!?  Good to have you back and workout again.

*Impressed by Pax that decided to finish off their legs with a run home.  You know who you are

*Was Cheetah wearing his weight vest???  Double Impressed

*Not sure about the rest of the Pax, but my legs are still quivering 12 hours later.

*Sound off in the comments cause you know I missed something………

Way to push through the pain gents, today was a tough one.  Thanks for the opportunity to lead.
