All out at Cobalt

9 Brave souls entered Cobalt for an all out beatdown…



High Knees, Butt Kicks, Karyoke L and R, High Knees, SSH x 20 IC, IST x 15 IC, TS x 15 IC, Windmills x 15 IC, Mericans x 10 IC


Calf raises x 20, Mericans x 10 IC


Run to park about  0.85miles

Apollo Onyos x 20, Squats x 20


Pull Ups x 10, Leg Raises x 10, Decline mericans x 20, Alternating Leg Lunge x 20


Dips x 20, Mericans x 20


Run back to parking lot 0.85miles


I think a mole's skin is hairy….or pigmented depending on what mole you're referring to!  Great seeing everyone again after about a week hiatus.  I knew the workout was going to be good when Grip let out a couple of loud belches during the warm up!  Oktoberfest skipped his normal walking warm up and drove a couple of blocks to the workout!  Everyone did great!  Totals: we ran a little over 1.5 miles, did 140 mericans if you include the dericans, not forgetting the 40 calf raises, 20 pull ups, 40 Apollo's, 20 leg raises, 40 alternating leg lunges, and 40 dips… Come on!  Proud of the group!