All Saints Day Beat Down.

Event Date

Nov 01, 2021


Five hard-charging saint-wanna-be's came ouf for an All Saints Day extravaganza.   We proceeded to do the Streetlight Boogie, with 1 squat, 1 merkin, 1 wwII sit up at first light, 2 of each at the next, 3 at the next, and so on up to 10.  At the last street light we high-tailed it to the rock pile, then reversed course for the trip back to launch.  Along the way we reversed the merkin count, while subsituting some mobility moves for the squats and wwii's.  We got a couple miles, a bunch of push-ups and mobility, while doing absoulutely nothiing for our soccer arms.  Oh well, maybe next week.  Prayers went up for many intentions, and then we all dispersed quickly for a wide-array of Monday morning HIM-type demands.