All the Muscles

Event Date

Aug 16, 2019

6 PAX escaped their fartsacks this morning and came to the Foundry ready to work (or at least that’s what were’ going to say).  YHC promised to work “All the muscles” and tried my best to deliver.  Here’s how it went:

WARMORAMA: Mosey around the parking lot a bit, mixing in quadraphelia, carioca, high knees, butt kickers on our way up to the pull up bars.  Circled up for SSH, IST, Toy Soldier, arm circles front/back Slow deep squats, slow mericans (all x10 IC except SSH x15 and Arm circles OYO).  Once YHC deemed PAC sufficiently warm, we split into two groups for the main event.

THE THANG:  Group 1 was told to head over to the pull-up bars while group 2 was told to line up on the line. 
               Round 1A: Group 1 does pull-ups x10 while Group 2 quadraphelia to end of aisle and mosey back, then Flapjack:
               Round 1B: Same as 1A but Mericans x10 IC instead of Pull-ups.
               Round 2A: Group 1 does wide pull-ups x10 while Group 2 side shuffles to third tree & back, then Flapjack:
               Round 2B: Same as 2A but Wide Mericans x10 IC instead of pull-ups.
               Round 3A: Group 1 does 10 narrow pull-ups while Group 2 lunge walk to light pole and mosey back, then Flapjack:
               Round 3B: Same as 2A but Ranger Mericans x10 IC instead of pull-ups.

Slow “recovery” mosey around a few aisles and back.  Once back grab some blocks and gather on the line in the same groups.

Round 4A: Group 1 does block squats while group 2 zamporinis to light pole and back (flapjack).
Round 4B: Same as 4A but deadlift instead of squats.
Round 5A: Group 1 jump squats, Group 2 farmer carry down & back. Flapjack.
Round 5B: Repeato 5A (YHC couldn’t think of a jump squat replacement on the fly)
Round 6A: Group 1 curls, Group 2 block push to lightpole & back (this one got some heavy breathing going for sure), Flapjack.
Round 6B: “We can’t do anything just once”…Repeato 6A.

Slow “recovery” mosey around the aisle and back.  PAX were told the good news that we’re done with those circuits, but bad news is we weren’t quite done with the blocks yet.  Grab the blocks and circle up for:

Lawnmowers RH x10 IC; LH x10 IC  -> Slow deep squats x8 IC
Lawnmowers RH x8 IC; LH x8 IC  -> Slow deep squats x6 IC
Lawnmowers RH x8 IC; LH x8 IC -> Slow deep squats x8 IC (oops that was supposed to go down)

Put the blocks away and head over to the fire pit and grab a spot on the wall.

Peoples chair with touch them heels x10 IC and air press x10 IC.
Dips x10 IC  ->  Incline ‘Mericans x10 IC

Peoples chair with touch them heels x10 IC and air press x10 IC.
Dips x8 IC  ->  Incline ‘Mericans x8 IC


PAX circled up by the cars for abbreviated Mary which consisted solely of low flutters x20 IC.  RECOVER RECOVER.


-YHC was very grateful for the PAX this morning.  While there was some mumble chatter, not a one shied away from the beatdown that was heavy on work and light on breaks.

-The pooches kept up entertained, wondering what dead carcasses they got into behind the bushes.  YHC will be praying for the state of Vinegar Bend’s carpets when whatever Fred got into works its way through!

–  Either lazy landscapers or F3 saboteurs tried to blockade us from getting to the blocks, but the PAX prevailed.

– No specific prayer requests were raised but we said a prayer for all the F3 brothers and their families on the mend and in need of healing/support.