All The President’s Men

FNG-1 = Yogi (RESPECT)

Tonight, we had (by request) some Presidential trivia.  I tried to keep it light.  Classic recipe; ask the question, sprint/jog a lap, answer question… correct/incorrect answer determines how much pain must be dished out.  Exercises focused on core work, with laps being about half sprint.  We did this from the Ice House stage and around the town green.

The questions:

  1. How many (future) presidents signed the Declaration of Independence?  A: 2.
  2. The 2006 movie Idiocracy featured fictional President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho.  What actor played the President, and what did both the character AND actor do prior?  A: Terry Crews, Pro Wrestler (character), Body Builder / NFL (real life).
  3. Andrew Jackson was the 7th President of the United States.  His nickname was “old hickory”.  Why?  (multiple choice) A: He walked with a hickory wood cane that he used to beat people with.
  4. James Polk was the 11th President of the United States.  His nickname was “young hickory”.  Why? (multiple choice) A: Andrew Jackson AKA Old Hickory (from prior question) was a close family friend and political mentor/ally.
  5. The band The Presidents of the United States of America released their debut album with hit songs Lump and Peaches.  What year did the album come out? A: 1995.
  6. JFK got into Harvard Law School despite a poor letter of recommendation that suggested Harvard NOT admit him.  Who wrote the letter? (multiple choice) A: his father, former Ambassador Joe Kennedy.
  7. In the 2000 Simpsons Episode “Bart to the Future”, Bart travels 30 years into the future to immediately after the fictional 2030 Presidential Inauguration.  Who are the outgoing and incoming Presidents? A: Trump & Lisa Simpson.
  8. In all the numerous times an American President has been portrayed on film, only ONE actor has won an Academy Award for the role.  Which actor and/or film? A: Daniel Day Lewis, Lincoln.


Post-workout topics of discussion included public golden showers, things pre-teen children are found googling to fill in sex education blanks, cryotherapy, shrinkage, turtles, euphemisms for sex, Presidential outcome odds making, beer, Nixon’s legacy, Freedom’s smelly farts, and Cam Newton’s collapse as a pro QB.  Clearly we’re a special, diverse, and deeply troubled group.