All the single ladies=Fast Pitch

We had a great crew at Gladiator this morning. I got to see a bunch of guys I’ve been missing because I’ve chosen the dark side (i.e. running workouts). This is a great AO and if you haven’t Q’d here in a while you’re missing out. Everyone is eager, friendly, and ready to work. 

Had 2 FNG’s today…one of which was there for his 2nd workout which meant a naming. Not sure if it’s because we were meeting at a church or if guys in this circle are just nicer these days. But FNG-2 told a story about his mom calling out to a group of women asking if there were any single ladies for her son. It was then declared that his F3 name would clearly be Beyoncé….but all this happened at a softball game so someone offered Fast Pitch as an alternative. I see this as a great kindness, but that may be because I’m still bitter than I’m named Tammy Faye. Where was this kindness when Toxic was declaring my Tammy Faye? I guess I gotta move on, but we all know I won’t.

Here’s what happened before all that.


Warm up



Windmill 10IC

Slippery dip 10 IC

Island suicide

1st-5 Merkins/1 burpee

2nd-10 Merkins/2 burpee

3rd- 15 Merkins/3 burpee

4th- 20 Merkins/4 burpee

5th- 25 Merkins/5 burpee

Plank it out

Mosey to blocks

Curls 20 IC/skull crushers 20 IC run

Overhead press/bent row 20 IC run

Chest press/lawn mowers 20 IC run

Upright row 15 IC/block swings 15oyo

put blocks back

Mosey to lower area

10 squat jumps
Wall sits (15 air press/seal claps/touch them heels IC)
10 squat jumps
Rocky Balboas 25 IC
Preying mantis 15 IC
Mobility moment
Mosey back to launch for some Mary
Low flutter 25 IC
Freddie Mercury 25 IC
WW2 20 on my count
Homer to Marge

Hollow hold


15 Merkins

Recover recover