Not above was Sweat Shop from F3 Atlanta


Thank you to all the Pax that showed up for this Q VS Q event between Amen and I.  I think I can speak for both of us and say we had a good time leading you all this morning.  In the end, everyone won the day today…I just have the ability (or lack thereof) to Q one more time…for the year…maybe.


To the best of my knowledge and remembrance, this is what I think went down today.  I do reserve the right to edit if need be.

30 men in total from near and far (Atlanta) came and witnessed the spectacle that is #Gladiator and surely were all entertained.

MQ Carpet Bagger led the Pax towards the back of the lot by the pullup bars and started Warm O Rama:

SSH x10 IC

Imperial Storm Trooper x10 IC

Wind Mill x10 IC

Long Snapper x10 IC

Merkin x2 IC

Mountain Climbers x10 IC


Right on the dot, YHC took the reigns and gave his loud and proud #disclosure.

Mosey to the OST Shovel Flag and say the pledge.

The Thing 1

Mosey to road between Church and school.  YHC got heckled about his adrenaline…will leave it at that. S2K

Merkins x10 IC

WW2 On My Up

Disclaimer 2 and make way for car

Squats x10 IC

Long mosey to hill for 21s

Quadriphilia up hill.  CDD at top starting at 17

Regular run down hill for Monkey Humpers starting at 4.

Subtract 2 at top and add 2 at bottom. 

Cars loved the view of grown men showing their asses on Catholic Church property. 

Ended midway at 11/10 purposely for the next installment.

Mosey to school wall for People’s Chair.  Wait on six.

Add Morrocan night clubs x30 IC.  Apparently Cherry Bombs favorite but told to stop because he was not hear.

Go to curb.  Broad jump burpees to other side.  5 Merkins.  Broad jump back 5 Merkins.  Repeato but add 5 squats on both sides.

Right at 555, YHC tapped out and his holiness joined in on the festivities.


Mosey to lot past cars.

J Lo suicides. 

3 islands.

5 J Lo to start and end, 10 Merkins next island everytime past, 15 squats at 2nd island and last 20 LBC.

Upon completing.  J Lo x10 IC

Mobility moment with the usual.

Here is where I knew Amen was “winning the crowd”.  Sometimes better to be last than first.  Oh well.

Mosey to shovel flag and main travel lane.

Sprint to End of island. 10x CDD IC

Sprint back to start. Dot the I x10 IC (another fan fav)

Sprint back to end.  Forget this exercise…help?

Sprint back to start. Freddie Mercury x10 IC

Sprint to end Jump Squats with ¼ turn x10 (I politely called out his math skills…nobody seemed to care)

Sprint back to Start.  Homer to Marge

Recover Recover


Whew.  Great morning for sure.  Definitely a lot of fun.

Votes were tallied and Carpet Bagger announced that YHC won a squeaker.  But like Amen said, I may have won the day, but we say his name at the end of every workout.  Well played my brother.

I guess some pax still do like the good old fashioned workouts with a little of everything mixed in.

Too much mumblechatter by the usual suspects.Always a good thing but tough to recap.

Shout out of Sweatshop who visited the AO all the way from Atlanta.  You got a treat my brother.  Come on back if ever in this neck of the woods.

Thanks again for everyone who came out this morning to better themselves and Amen and I.

Prayers up to Ultraman’s family!

Thanks for CB for putting the show together.

I guess I can’t wait another year to Q…will see you out there in the Gloom…somewhere!

Live Life. Own Every Second.  Never, Ever Take Anything for Granted!

Humbly Yours-

