All You Do Is Dang Run Anyway

We're back!  Great to see some new/old faces back in the gloom at the best Wednesday AO in all of Race City.  The MQs discussed a week of Hero WODs to welcome everyone back.  YHC modified it down a little for those that have been on the couch for 6 weeks.  It still sucked mightily.


Mozy to "the top" in honor of my predecessor, Stroker Ace

IST, CP, Harry Rockette, Toy Soldier

Mozy long way around to the wall, aka "the bottom" by the yoga people

The Thang

Run up the hill adding an exercise and 5 reps each trip. 

Wall sit at the bottom wait for the 6.  Overhead or seal claps each set

1st set- 5 burpees and back, 2nd set- 5 burpees, 10 lunges and back, etc

Burpees, lunges, merkins, ssh, cdd, flutter kicks, squats, mtn climbers

Mary- mason twist, WWII, burpees

Nekkid Man Moleskin

Brushless walked with a backpack before joining us

Apehangers wasn't there

Motorboat is the new Integrity Q

Chief wasn't there

Chicken Little, Crack, Cupcake and Contra (the Hi C gang) were in the front but only because they sat on the front of the wall

There can't be any other explanation

Totebag wasn't there

Pyle and Pink Slip appear to have settled their feud

Dewey wasn't there

Deepend gets credit for the workout name; as if you couldn't guess

Mailman wasn't there

SoulGlo brings it every day.  Even when he's fishing tomorrow.

Deadpool wasn't there

Loveshack noted that today was a good warmup for Wheels.  See you all tomorrow

We've got a lot of good F3 names in the queue so let's EH some new blood this summer

Signups are open for quest Qs.  Reach out soon or no modification next week!

Cheers, Cheez Whiz