All You Need Is Love (And Merkins)

It's Valentine's Day! So we get to do all the things that Cherry Bomb loves (and some/most pax hate). YHC was honored to have Possum trek down as well as Fidel and Fairy Godfather from Davidson. 0530 hit, we ran to the pull up bars and circled up. 


  • IST x 10 IC
  • Hillbilly x 10 IC
  • Windmill x 10 IC
  • Carrot Puller x 10 IC
  • Arm circles backwards and forwards
  • Pull-ups x 5 OYO

Tha Thang

Grab blocks and partner up.

Round 1

  • P1: Peter Parkers AMRAP
  • P2: Farmer’s Carry to pull-up bars

When P2 arrives to pull-up bars, 10 pulls up OYO. P1 will bear crawl to the blocks and then do 10 pull ups.

  • P2: Peter Parker AMRAP
  • P1: Farmer’s Carry to end of lane

When P1 arrives, they will do 10 burpees. P2 will bear crawl to P1 and then do 10 burpees.


Round 2

  • P1: Hand Release Merkins AMRAP
  • P2: Farmer's Carry to pull ups bars

When P2 arrives, they will do 10 pull ups. P1 will lunge walk to the block and then do 10 pull ups.

  • P2: Hand Release Merkins AMRAP
  • P1: Farmer's Carry to end of lane

When P1 arrives, they will do 10 burpees. P2 will lunge walk to P1 and then do 10 burpees.



4×4 Burners

  • Block Squats x 10 IC
  • Block Curls x 10 IC 
  • OH Press x 10 IC
  • Skull Crusher x 10 IC


Put up blocks.

  • Pull-up x 5 OYO
  • Merkins x 10 OYO


Run to launch


  • Burpees x 10 OYO
  • Jack Knife LBC x 15 IC (each side)
  • WWII Sit Ups x 10 
  • Jack Knife LBC x 10 IC (each side)
  • Mobility Moment led by Crocs
  • Toe-Tap merkins x 10 OYO led by Fairy Godfather

Recover. Recover.


  • YHC found out the pax don't love all the things he loves. But everybody loves Pigeon.
  • Qbert is moving to Huntsville, AL in April! What will we do without his tunes in our lives?! In all seriousness, he will be missed but the Huntsville pax will be stronger with him (assuming he leaves the gym at some point). Come out to his Q at DS on Thursday! It's sure to be a humdinger.
  • Enron does not so much own a dog as he does a teddy bear. Henry is a big boy (but also a good boy).
  • Popcorn was noticeably absent. Some say he was so scared of this Q, he went to hide all the way in Arizona.
  • Congrats to Possum for the birth of his second grandchild and to Ponch for celebrating the 11th (I think that's right) birthday of his daughter.
  • Sign up for the Dale Beatty 5k! 

Thanks to Enron for the opportunity to Q and to the pax who chose to be led by YHC this morning. Always a honor. Until next time – CB

