All you need is LOVE…. and quadraphelia

Little Finger not in system but was in attendance

The heat wave (or the subtle pre-blast) brought out a PAX of 18 to The Mad Scientist to pop YHC VQ cherry and get dome L-O-V-E (levels of various exercises).  


Mosey to the parking deck basement and circle up

20 – SSH IC

15 – IST IC

10 – Cotton Pickers IC

The Thang

Grab a section of the bar running along the top of the wall 

Single Arm Rows – 25 each arm- OYO

Quadraphelia up a level and to the benches

Dips – 25 OYO

Run back to basement – Single Arm Rows 20 each arm OYO

Quadraphelia back up to benches – Dips 20 OYO

Quadraphelia up a level – Carolina Dry Docks 25 OYO

Run to the basement

Single Arm Rows – 15 each arm OYO

Quadraphelia up – Dips 15 OYO

Quadraphelia up – Carolina Dry Docks 20 OYO

Quadraphelia up – Go Go Gadget Arms  25 OYO

Run to the Basement

At this point YHC realized he forgot he wanted to do 5 burpees at the start of each round, so we did 10 OYO, followed by Single Arm Rows – 10 each arm OYO

Quadraphelia up – Dips 10 OYO

Quadraphelia up – Carolina Dry Docks – 15 OYO

Quadraphelia up – Go Go Gadget Arms – 20 OYO

Quadraphelia up – Merkins 25 OYO

Run to the Basement – 10 Burpees OYO, Single Arm Rows 10 each arm OYO

Quadraphelia up – Dips 10 OYO

Quadraphelia up – Carolina Dry Docks  10 OYO

Quadraphelia up – Go Go Gadget Arms  15 OYO

Quadraphelia up – Merkins 20 OYO

Quadraphelia up  – Shoulder Taps 25 IC

Run Down to parking lot for Mary

20 – Low Flutters IC

10 (ish)- WWII Sit Ups IC (YHC was fast counting in beginning and the chatter kicked in casuing the count to be lost)

10- Box Cutters IC

Recover, Recover

Remember to not take daily things for granted ( ie ability to see, touch, speak).  We are blessed with many gifts, one of the greatest gifts is Love.  Love your brothers, family , friends, and share love and happpiness with those you come into contact with.  

Not everyday is sunshine and rainbows, and we all need positive support at times


It was a great morning, especially now that warmer weather has returned.  Apparantly the amount of quadraphelia had mixed emotions through the PAX, but we made it through.  Thanks to all that were able to make it.  Thanks to Jimmie O for setting up the VQ month and giving me my first opportunity to lead.  4 months in and YHC is grateful to be part of this group.  Thank you all again.

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." – Martin Luther King Jr.