(Almost) All Positive Feedback

Event Date

Sep 09, 2021


4 men came to Cobalt by foot this morning for a 45-min session in the humidity. Disclaimer said during warm-up. 


10 X Merkins OYO, 15 X SSH IC, 10 Merkins OYO, 10 Cherry Pickers IC, 10 Merkins OYO, 10 Windmills IC, 10 Merkins OYO, Runner's Lunge


Run to boat launch from clubhouse. 

4 Corners X 2 times around OYO: 1) 10 burpees, 2) 10 LBC's ,3) 10 squats, 4) 10 merkins 

Gazebo with picnic tables: 4 times through the following OYO: 1) 15 derkins, 2) 15 dips, 3) 15 step-up's, 4) 15 abs exercise of choice

4 Corners X 2 times around OYO: 1) 10 / 20 merkins, 2) 10/20 leg lifts, 3) 10/20 squats, 4) 10/20 mountain climbers

Pax chose exercises for 4 Corners sets. Last round we increased from 10 to 20 reps for good measure.

Indian Run back to boat launch. Stopped mid-way for 10 merkins, again for good measure.



10 merkins OYO, 15 X Freddy Mercury IC (Germantor), 10 merkins OYO, 20 low flutter IC [Double Double], 10 merkins OYO, Some weird and very long plank set (Surf), 10 merkins OYO

1.7 miles running and a lot of merkins among other exercises. 


  • Positive feedback from the Pax today other than for one of the exercises listed above. You can probably guess which if you've read down this far. They may have just been worried about Q's self esteem this morning.
  • Solid work by all. Great to see Germantor and Double on a Thursday. 
  • 4 dudes / no cars….solid
  • Q got to run 1.5 or so with Pinky pre-workout. Safe travels to back to your roots Pinky
  • Germantor doing some important work lately on several fronts
  • Double did the Canada run last week to bring Vic-20 up to Toronto for college. Sounds like a cool trip. Have fun going up for the December pick-up Double…..Toronto will look a little different then!