The Pax showed up for a surprise gut buster.
Warm Up
Ran to the Greenway (Pure Bar) Hill and Partnered up.
Dora while one partner ran to the bottom of the hill and back.
Excercises done AMRAP
Mountain Climbers
Flutter Kicks
Merican w/ knee to opposite elbow
Crunchy Frog
Pillow Talk
Box Cutters
Plank to Carolina Dry Dock (Plank – kick feet up to dry dock – kick feet back to plank)
Reverse Crunch to Glute Bridge
Run to Fountain
20 Dips
20 Incline Mercans
15 Dips
15 Incline Mercans
10 Dips
10 Incline Mercans
5 Dips
5 Incline Mercans
Run Back to Cars