Almost sad, but never a clown

Event Date

Oct 29, 2018




5:25am: arrive at Hopewell parking lot for Titan 5 miler.  Lot is empty, and I am cold.  Sadness sets in.  I've been a bit down lately, attendance has been low-ish at Titan, and I've struggled to get Q's.  I'm also bad at asking/recruiting, so that's mostly on me.  I'm still getting used to this MQ thing.  But I've never had a day with nobody show up.  That's just depressing to think about.  Not looking forward to today possibly being the first.

5:28am: see a headlamp in the distance.  At first it's coming towards me, but then turns away towards the front of the school.  Probably just a dog walker or non-F3 runner.  Excitement fades.

5:30am: oh wait, it's coming back this way and it's The Force – hell yes – was just doing a little wam-up run because he beat me to the AO.  Booyah.

5 (almost) miles of fellowship later… and recover recover.  Has anyone ever noticed how a running buddy just helps the time and the miles melt away like nothing?  It's a good feeling.  Thanks for being there and turning my morning right around buddy, this is what F3 is all about.