Alpo, Matlock, and Maalox. . .breakfast of champions!

Event Date

Sep 22, 2018


Whenever two or more pax gather together in the name of fitness, it's a workout. . .

The shovel flag was waving, the air was crisp, and the sun was peaking its head over the horizon like playful Kilroy letting the world know that he is here. But the time was 0658 and yet only one vehicle graced the rectilinear lines of the Bailey Road Park front parking lot. Happily, it would soon be joined by a fine example of that classic American icon: the pickup truck, driven in on four bald tires (also an American tradition) by Alpo, who was probably hoping for another game of Jolly Ball, but got a Jersey Boy workout instead.

Fortunately for this new Saturday regular, this wasn't a typical Jersey Boy workout because YHC had promised to make this a BRR-friendly no-injury zone. With no BRR-ers present, that promise was nonetheless kept.

And so began some Hard-Core Core, Gaudy Upper-Body, and Sketchy Stretchy.

  • Bear Squats
  • Girl Fights
  • Pirate Ship Ride
  • Metronome
  • Cactus Arms
  • Mating Snakes
  • Trapezius Stretch
  • Wall Climbers
  • Side Wall Planks
  • I’m Not Worthy
  • Sheryl Sandbergs
  • Wall Pec Stretch
  • Armageddon
  • Figure 4
  • Standing Quad Stretch
  • Spinal Tap
  • Oblique V-ups
  • Home Stretch
  • Card Table Plank
  • Folding Card Table
  • Little Baby Flutter Crunch Press
  • Japanese Air Chair
  • Standing Chest Press
  • Chest Stretch
  • Bent Over Row
  • The Thinker Stretch
  • Frog Stretch (all 4’s wide)
  • Butterfly Stretch (soles together)
  • Partner Watermelon Crushers
  • Halos

The two lonely pax finished with a sad "Arc of Trust" focusing on gratitude, compassion, and charity. Alpo was off to buy new tires for his redneck limo and then to prepare for date night, so I was forced to join the enemy (Mighty Jungle dudes and others) at Waterbean, where it became clear that Alpo wasn't the only one getting re-tired. Gnarly Goat, still sporting his Fire Chief Polo pullover (presumably out of habit), continued the celebration of his exit from the CFD, and then unceremoniously departed for a senior walk at the mall, followed by an afternoon of golf, an early bird special, and an evening of Matlock and Maalox.

The low turnout at BRP was only slighty more bitter than the fact that Waterbean (a coffee place, mind you) was–once again–out of coffee. But the company and the conversation was so worthwhile that it even made it palatable to rub elbows with those who patronize my competition.

Thanks to Alpo for showing up with enthusiasm and to F3 for the fellowship. Next Saturday I'll be in the Mile-High City, so I'm looking for a volunteer to guest Q. (Don't worry–more people show up when I'm not there for some reason. Must be the b.o.)