28 pax converged from Bailey Road and St. Mark to support the Joe Martin ALS Foundation and the Hix Family. Summer has arrived, because it didn't take more than a couple SSH to start the sweating.
13 men of respect age!
Mosey to parking lot beside cinema for warmorama:
SSH x40, windmills x15, toy soldiers x15, mountain climbers x20, arm circles fwd, back, small and large. Merkins x10, The Burpie (YW, Outlaw)
Note: during the warm-up, YHC asked a simple question of Waffle House.  "How many pax are there?"  Callahan also heard the request and saw it as an opportunity to stop his warmup and count as well.  BOTH WaffleHouse and Callahan came up with 29 pax.  Since they both counted the same number, it seemed like a solid fact…until we counted 28 pax in CoT and nobody was unaccounted for.
Mosey to rock pile below the tennis court to select a one-handed rock and then make your way to the parking lot next to the tennis court for 11s.  10 Turkish get-ups…1 crucifix merkin, 9 Turkish get-ups…2 crucifix merkins, and so on until you finish 1 Turkish get-up and 10 crucifix merkins.
Tighten up the circle and plank with rock under your chest. With the left hand, move your rock to where your neighbor can reach it and then take the next rock, now on your right, and do the same.  Continue until all 28 rocks have been passed around the circle.
Recover. Squats x10
Flap-jack, from left to right with the right hand.
Mosey to bottom of hill by rock pile and commence bear crawl up hill rolling the rock ahead of you.  This was a bit treacherous as the hill was sloped not only down behind us, but also to the left.  I looked up at one point to see Oyster's boulder rolling toward me from the right side of the hill.  Enough of that!  Return the rock to the pile and mosey to the fountain by the cinema.  
Find some wall space for:  Derkins x12, Werkins x12, Incline merkins x12, Hip slap with feet on wall x12
Mosey to the parking lot by Fleet Feet for Mary:
Low flutter x10, Pretzel left 10x and right 10x, Big Baby Crunch x12
Line up on the curb: 70% speed to the parking lot island and 100% to the cinema wall. 
Go long little brother!  Yes, Outlaw took off early, and had Titan right behind him.  So…we dropped for some merkins (x10) on the curb instead of running back down the hill. 
Repeats the run and sprint to other side of parking lot.  Line up for another run to the Cinema wall.  Repeato the merkins x10 on the curb. Finish with another run and sprint across the parking lot.
Circle up for COT and a lesson from Outlaw on ALS (aka Lou Gehrig's disease). Good questions from the pax. Knowledgeable instruction from the good doctor.
T-claps, Bagboy, for taking us out in prayer during the continued Easter season.
The workout ended with coffee and donuts provided by Outlaw and Earl Gray (Madelyn's)…we didn't even have to get in our cars to drive anywhere. 
  • Thanks for the honor of leading you men and for pushing me to stay healthy. I'm trying to be a better version of myself every day and you guys help me. Blessed.
  • Thanks to all of you that supported the Joe Martin ALS Foundation as well. Outlaw has done a phenomenal job leading us to help Steve and Debbie Hix.
  • You know I love catching Outlaw leaving early on an exercise…ever since he let me go long on a baseball field at N.Meck Park.  I could have played it much better…but he's over 50 now. Any prank I play that causes him to exercise more could put him on the sidelines for weeks!  Caution is advised when dealing with old pax.
  • Wow, the grumbling about Turkish get-ups was confirmation that the old men of this group were in need of core strengthening. 
  • Speaking of old men…13 of the 28 pax were RESPECT aged. This group has become another F3 Davidson!  I guess it helped that one of the Davidson RESPECT men was present for the workout. Good to see you Duvall.
  • 2 days in a row I didn't hear much from Smores.  I'm thinking it's just a perception issue.  The rest of the pax are so verbose now that they drown him out.
  • Jazz Hands posted Friday and Saturday this week, after a 2 month hiatus.  Not bad.  He showed up as if he just returned from vacation and was sill hung over…glasses on to protect his sensitive eyes and lavender t-shirt on backwards.  Classic. Keep the momentum going, brother!
  • I've never seen someone so disappointed that he wasn't at least 50 years old in the COT…until Blackbeard announced he's only 46. My heart hurt for you, brother. Don't worry, your time will come.
  • Madden24 brought the average age of the pax down by a year or 2 all by himself.  Great to see you working hard at such an early hour on Saturday.  We're impressed! Keep coming out and keep pushing your Dad.
  • Omega's K9 (Bailey) went home with a black eye.  She walked under a row of men planked with feet on the fountain unsuccessfully dodging the hands during the Hip slap. Sorry, pup.
  • Those that would have preferred something other than 11s with Turkish Get-ups on one side of it have WaffleHouse and Callahan to thank. How hard is it to count the pax?  I was hoping for an even number to do partner work… Truth be told, I think they counted MaryJane twice…thinking he was both Mary and Jane.
  • Swing state and Omega brought their smoke boots and didn't hold anything back during the parking lot sprints. Nice push, gentlemen.
  • Aussie was out 2 days in a row…despite the temperature being outside his normal workout temp range of 60-69 degrees.  It takes great courage to test one's body at such extreme temps as 72 degrees.  Awesome effort!
  • I think Bagboy (true grit), Callahan (standard), and Duvall (river rat 10k) doubled down today.  Very strong, men.  Great example you're setting.
Pax Tibi, Moses out