#ALSPepperChallenge Meet #TheFoundry

Event Date

Feb 02, 2018

13 HIMs of The Foundry responded to the ALS Hot Pepper Challenge in a big way and donated $200. As promised they received a burpee less beatdown, kind of. Here is their story:


Grey Ghost, Lego, Mona Lisa & YHC met #TheStandard for ~3 miles on the greenway


Dynamic warm-up
SSH x 25 IC
IST x 10 IC
Cotton Picker x 10 IC
Mericans x 10 IC


Mosey to the NW corner of the parking lot

Sprint to the PU bars
Pull ups x 5 OYO
Sprint back
Burpees Squats x 10 OYO
Sprint to the church
Mericans x 10 IC
Sprint back to the NW corner
Burpees Squats x 10 OYO

Sprint to the PU bars
Pull ups x 5 OYO
Sprint back
Burpees Squats x 10 OYO
Sprint to the church
CDD x 10 IC
Sprint back to the NW corner
Burpees Squats x 10 OYO

Sprint to the PU bars
Pull ups x 5 OYO
Sprint back
Burpees Squats x 10 OYO
Sprint to the church
8 count body builders x 10 IC
Sprint back to the NW corner
Burpees Squats x 10 OYO

Sprint to the PU bars
Pull ups x 5 OYO
Sprint back
Burpees Squats x 10 OYO
Sprint to the church
WWII Sit ups x 20 OYO
Sprint back to the NW corner
Burpees Squats x 10 OYO

Sprint to the PU bars
Pull ups x 5 OYO
Sprint back
Burpees Squats x 10 OYO
Sprint to the church
Bam Bam x 7 IC (Led by Bam Bam)

Mosey to The Box

People’s Chair
Air press x 20 IC
Balls to the Wall

Mosey to the rock pile

Full curls x 10 IC
Shoulder press x 10 IC
Skull crusher x 10 IC
Chest press x 10 IC
Run a lap around the median


Low flutter x 25 IC
Homer to Marge
Low dolley x 10 IC
Box cutter x 15 IC (Mona Lisa)
Mason Twist x 10 IC (Red Rider)
Pretzel Crunch x 10 IC (Caboose)
Mountain Climber x 10 IC (Tuck)
Burpees x 10 OYO (Kozar)


  • Welcome FNG Jeff Boone for his first post and he crushed it. Plug in brother. It will definitely not get easier but you will get stronger. Come back to get a name on your next post.
  • Blown away by the generosity of these men to give away $200, on a whim…and TClaps to FNG Jeff for not only showing up and crushing the beatdown but also donating in a big way…AYE!
  • It should also be noted that at one point there was talk of donations in order to do burpees…sickos
  • Kosar led from the front with Bunyan not far behind
  • Mumblechatter was strong…I blame the lack of burpees. By donating you men saved yourself 90 burpees this AM.
  • Mona Lisa rockin' #TheStandard, must be time to HC to the BRR brother
  • Several men ready for Q School which is tentatively scheduled for March 17th led by Turnpike (look for the PB very soon)
  • The Polar Bear is tomorrow at 0730 launching from North Meck Park
  • If you feel led to donate, please consider an awesome organization that is putting your donations to work to find a cure to a terrible disease in ALS TDI: https://www.als.net/donate/?cta=peppers
  • Great morning, as always, at #TheFoundry. YHC loves that you can make a simple request for donations to a good cause and get a huge response. Thanks to Qbert for the opportunity to Q at #TheFoundry and to the pax for the constant encouragement and motivation. Now go EH the man that needs this group but just doesn't know it yet. Until the next time…

Don Ho