Alternative “Frisbee Golf” at IsotopeOG

A great group of men showed up to IsotopeOG this morning, likely looking for a competitive game. They were only disappointed by the amount of burpees that they earned.

Upon arrival we gathered around and reviewed Special Sauce's improved work-out gear. As he has progressed into an elite runner his gear has improved. Actually, it's more likely because he posts in PRoD almost exclusively now and does not want to get booted. Either way, his gear is on point, but he still gets cold so we moved out.

Once we reached the top of the park we gathered round to warm-up a bit more. If you've never seen a the "bent-knee windmill" you are missing out and should ask SS to show you. He killed the form on that and the IST. Just flawless execution. In addition to those exercises, we peppered in some SSH, Cotton Picker, and a few 'Mericans. As noted by Kid Rock, the full extension on 'Mericans is completely optional now. Who knew?

Plenty warm and ready to play, we moved up to the concession stand and sat right into the People's Chair. Primo quickly analyzed YHC's fat body form. The issue is I could not look at him and take direction due to his continued resistance to wearing shorts. I wonder if he only wear's Spanx around the house. No wait. No, no I don't wonder that. Dammit!

We dabbled in a few other exercises including Balls-to-the-Wall, Step-ups and Dips before moving to the Frisbee golf course. Considering Capone did not show up with a Frisbee, YHC decided to just run the course as a trail run, stopping at each hole as a pain station. That thought quickly ended after we found a tennis ball on hole 1. AUDIBLE: we now have 3 "shots" as a group on each hole to hit the chain basket. If the basket is hit, we will do a normal excersice. If we miss, we do Burpees OYO, just for Outlaw. If we hit the basket we would complete exercises like, LBCs, Low-Flutter, Squats, Wide-Set 'Mericans, CDD, Alternating Lunges and French Get-ups. 

Considering we had capable, grown, mildly athletic Men and and a spry 12 year old present, I figured we do a max of 2 sets of Burpees. Much to Outlaw's delight, however, through 14 holes we only hit the basket 7 times. So 70 Burpees throughout the run. Well, technically we did 60 Burpees and 10 8-Count Body Builders. Upon further further review it has been determined that Outlaw did around half of that total, choosing instead to threaten the PAX and inform us about his hatred for Burpees.

Having witnessed enough carnage, we mosey'd back to the launch point to finish with a bit of Mary. Apparently, Shaken and Special Sauce have forgotten that Mary is where we concentrate on Ab-exercises. So we did Burpees, again. The other PAX chose sensible exercises like Ws, Low-Dolly, J-lo and 'Mericans. I should note, that Catfish thought it was a good idea to knock-out Monkey Humpers with about 60+ families gathered between the parking lot and soccer fields. Nothing says cult quite like, 10 Men humping monkeys and counting in unison. I'm sure we'll have a ton of FNGs next week as a result…  Recover, Recover.


What a great morning. Crisp but beautiful. Unlimited comedy, that really should require admission. 1/2 of a clown car. A Father/Son combo. A Sauerkraut more inspired than a Moses. A Catfish that runs on dry land. Shorts-less Primo. A new Bromance between Special Sauce and Kid Rock, who ran post workout while holding hands (please don't tell Bagboy). 

I appreciate you Men posting this morning. I hope you had some fun. I know I did, and I look forward to every morning I get to post in the gloom next to my brothers. If you know someone that needs what we have, share it with them. They will thank you later.
