Always Time for a Game

Event Date

Jun 03, 2017

10 strong at ELHS-Mustang, this fine Saturday morning, FNG-1 Kragle (sp?) @Jeeves 2.0. 100% Mustang turnout, no SVU joined, solidifies the fact that @Mulligan is Mustang!

Warm Up:

HIIT – High Impact Intensity Timer. Q set watch for one minute and completed the following, in cadence. The first exercise count was 24, so the Q went with that count, since the timer couldn't be felt on wrist, thanks Apple!

  • SSH

  • Cotton Pickers

  • Mtn. Climbers

  • Windmills (9) just to throw PAX off

    The Thang

    Begin with a mosey around parking lot, at the top of the lot use each median to increase %, by the last you should be around 80%, finish with that intensity to school bus lot.

    A flag awaited our arrival at the school bus lot, with a partner (and for the rest of the flags) complete the items displayed):

  • School Bus lot 100 merkins & 200 LBCs’

  • Behind school, on hill, 200 flutter kicks & 100 squats

  • Behind school, sort of courtyard area, Dodge Ball (always time for a game)

    • If hit, bear crawl off field and down to lower sidewalk then complete 5 burpees to re-enter game. Not many listen to instruction on where to go to complete burpees

    • If PAX caught a ball, the thrower completed the above painishment

  • Downunder bar 100 Australian pull-ups & 100 push-ups (the M wrote this one) for the cool people – merkins

  • Pull up bar (area) 100 flutter kicks & squats (again, I think…its been a few days)

Q kicks the green and red dodge balls across field, and throws out a challenge; the first to the green ball picks the next exercise and calls 24 IC.

  • Diesel won the first foot race

  • Jeeves the second (still working on his IC count)

To the track, partner run, one runs clockwise the other counter (forward facing) when they meet run backwards to starting point

Once back at the launch location for the run we all hit the wall for 1 minute wall sit with air press, and then 9 Mike Tyson’s yes 9 fact check that BB @Hefty, I heard you

Back on the track for (about) 50 yds of frog jumps followed by another 50 yds of lunge walks

Wrap up this thang with a long mosey around track back to launch pad


Mary go round

Reflection (Morals & Ethics)

Luke 6:35-36

But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He HIMself is kind to ungrateful and evil men. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful.


  • Dutch asked for dodgeball early in our mosey, Q had a smile knowing it was in-route. Be patient.

  • Several call outs for odd number counts IC work, why do we always do the same #s’? Mix it up, be different, have fun, #TheSameStuffEveryTimeGetsReallyReallyOld

  • Who reads these things?

  • Feel free to add whatever I have left out, I do not recall any big zingers being thrown out there during this post, however, I most likely tuned you out.

Always honored to lead the group!