Am I Lost?

Event Date

Feb 21, 2022


Birkdale is under major construction so I had no idea where to go. Drive around a great times before parking just down from Starbucks. I see Goat and I know I am in the right place.  The rest of the PAX show up and off we go. We stop at the theater parking for some warmup.  Then head back to Rubbermaid so some (Jazzhands) can be themselves.  We find some parking lines and do side jumps the front to back jumps.  Then we paint the lines and head to the rock piles for a rock.  Did some Colt 45 then OHP and skull crushers and squats before Goat led us in needed mobility moment. We put rocks back and headed to the flag poles and wall for pledge and people's chair, dips, incline merkins and decline merkins. Cross bridge but before we cross back to quiet zone let Jazzhands let out one last yell. Some lunge walks and a few sprints later and we are back to beginning.  A little Mary then recover recover.

 Great job by all!  Thanks for coming out and thanks to Goat for the keys!  I hope she's not too dinged up. Great fellowship after at MMQB.  Calendar is open through July gentlemen so sign up to Q.   
Psalm 118:24

Amen out