AM-PM is the Man!

We've turned a corner, temps are dropping, sleeves are long and beanies are popping up.
Nice crisp October morning for 10 PAX who rolled in ready to put in some work.

Run around the parking lot to the back corner
SSH 20
IST 15
Windmills 10
Toy Solider 10
Mountain Climber 10
Girl Fight 15

The Thang
Grab some blocks and logs and lineup.
PAX Assignment
2 – Farmer Carries Blocks
2 – Walking Curls Block
2 – Log Zamperini
2 – Bear Crawl
2 – Walking Lunge
Start at the back of the lot to the middle drive thru.
This was a long way to bear crawl, I had to call an audible for the next round, but AM-PM absolutely crushed it and won Gladiator.
20 Merkins / 20 WWII / 20 Muhammed Alis
Run a lap around the the first island.

REPEATO down the second parking lot aisle (Audibled bear crawl to half way then switch to walking lunge, Audibled lunge to Bunny Hops)

20 Peter Parkers / 20 Apollo Onos / 20 Flutter Kicks
Run a lap around the the first and second island.

20 Carolina Dry Docks / 20 Squats
Run a lap around the the first, second and third islands.
Coupons back.

15 Box Cutters
15 Hello Dolly
15 American Hammers

Carpet Baggers B-Day is right around the corner
Attention upcoming Gladiator Qs, due to concern from the church please move Mary under the lights away from where we typically park. Safety hazard.
Prayers for Amen's Brother-in-law Dean

This was a great opportunity to lead these men this morning. Thanks CB. Until next time. See you in the gloom…